Weaning: The Adventure Begins!

We had kind of a big day yesterday in our household. Monkey tried his first food! Up until now he’s been exclusively breastfed but he turned six months on Tuesday, so we thought it was time to give him some…

Is That Bullying?

This week is anti-bullying week. Rather than let it slip past, I want to use my voice in the blogging community as a #powerforgood. Bullying comes in many forms. Bullying isn’t just ‘part of growing up’. Bullying doesn’t just disappear…

Our Birth Story

I LOVE a good birth story. I read them with fascination at how the same process (aka. getting the baby out) is completely and utterly unique every single time. It feels like watching an episode of ‘One Born Every Minute’…

Recipe: Pumpkin & Crispy Chorizo Soup

I may have gone slightly overboard this Halloween.  I bought four pumpkins in various shapes and sizes much to the amusement of my family. What can I say, they looked really pretty and I wanted to take some seasonal baby…

The Six Stages Of Making New Mum Friends

I like my friends. They’re school friends, work friends, friends I’ve accumulated via my husband, even family members. I’ve carefully cultivated them over the last thirty odd years. And when I say carefully, I mean mostly via the medium of…

Welcome To Devon Mama!

I'm Hayley and this is us; working parents to three tiny wild ones. Whether it's travel, food, lifestyle or just a healthy dose of parenting reality, there's something for everyone here. So sit back, get comfy and start scrolling!

Hayley x

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