A Life Update: Third Time’s The Charm…

Third time’s the charm, isn’t that how the saying goes? Well, we’re about to put it to the test and see if it works with children! That’s right, I am incredibly excited to share that the third (and most definitely final!) addition to our family will be joining us in Spring 2021… gulp!

I always knew that we wanted to have more than one child so after our first, packing everything away for the next one was a given. Going through that process a second time was definitely different; I’ve always wanted to have three kids but Dave was more than happy sticking at two. So we packed things away not really sure what would happen! It was only when I started to get annoyed about it cluttering up various cupboards and storage spaces that the issue really came to a head… were we saving it for any reason?

After a lot of thought we decided to give it a go. We’re fortunate enough to be in a position to cope financially and we felt that, if we were lucky enough to conceive another child, we would never regret that, whereas we may regret not going for it! Making that jump to trying properly felt like a huge deal though, it took me months to feel that we were in a place mentally and physically to cope with a pregnancy (and the subsequent baby). Then we had a global pandemic and wow, was I glad we’d waited a little longer. We decided to give it a few more months until things calmed down and then… here we are! I’m not going to lie and say I’m completely happy about being pregnant with everything that’s going on in the world right now, nor am I looking forward to giving birth at a time when we’ve no idea what life will look like but, it was now or never!

So where are we now? Things are going really well with all of our scans passed with flying colours. We have a very active little thing in there who likes nothing more than to kick me at all hours of the day. The baby is currently breach but, as we know by now, there’s plenty of time for that all to change over the next few months. As for me? I’m tired and grumpy but really what’s new there?! I’ve certainly found it harder to connect with the baby this time, given that our days are so busy catering to two small people and working all the hours possible. This time I’ve found nausea to be pretty rubbish leading to a huge amount of gagging at inappropriate times and I spend my nights congested and battling that delightful pregnancy asthma that rears its head every time. But, I know that this will be the last time for us and I’m trying to take in every nausea inducing, achey, bloated moment before they become a thing of the past that I moan about to my own kids when they have babies!

We’ve got no names, we’re contemplating pulling the house to pieces to remodel it in the few months we have pre-baby, and we’re still pretty firmly in denial that this is all happening. The thought of another mini one completing our little crew has us equal parts terrified and excited, even just at the thought of the logistics. We’ve had to sort out bedroom changes and even buy a new car… who knew that fitting three car seats in the back of a car would be such a logistical challenge?! Literally everyone I’ve spoken to has congratulated us, and promptly wished us luck. And not in a reassuring way either. But we’re excited. 2020 has been such a strange year that I’m excited to take something really positive from it, and what’s more positive than a new baby? And in the meantime we’ll be cracking through a to do list that’s a mile long and trying to find names that a. we both like and b. don’t remind us of anyone else we know.

Wish us luck, eh? For all of it!

1 Comment

  • Nicola 17th November 2020 at 8:34 pm

    It will be magical! ❤️ Thrilled for you all.

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