15 Easy Ways To Earn Money At Home Online

Looking for easy ways to earn money at home online? Whether you’re working or not, extra money coming in to the household is always appreciated! These money making ideas allow you to earn money at home online, either as your job or as a little extra income. From quick ideas to longer investments we share some of our favourite simple ways to earn money at home. Ready to earn some extra pennies? Here we go!

15 Easy Ways To Earn Money At Home Online

1. Online Surveys

Earn money at home online by signing up to online survey companies whereby you’re matched to surveys based on your background information you provide. Each time you fill out a survey or answer a questionnaire you’ll earn a fee in return, with the amount depending on the time involved and the type of study. For example, a short questionnaire could get you £0.20, watching a video and giving feedback could get you more. Build up money over time and cash it out in a number of different ways. Our favourite online survey site is Prolific, YouGov also works well.

2. Matched Betting

Taking up matched betting does require you to have some start up funds in place in order to put them down for your first bet. Matched betting means you take advantage of the free bets that companies offer to bet on various outcomes of the race, thus mathematically ensuring you generate a profit. How much you win depends on the time and efforts that you put into it! As matched betting is a form of gambling still, it means that any winnings from this are considered to be tax free status. For a good, comprehensive guide to matched betting, try this matched betting guide.

3. Set Up A Blog

Running a website can allow you to make money in a number of different ways, from hosting content from companies, to promoting items, to allowing adverts to run on your site. Setting up a blog takes time as you’ll need to establish an audience and generate content to bring people to your site, after all, you need visitors in order to make it attractive for companies to pay you to advertise for them. Associated costs such as website hosting are minimal but the time and effort required is large. However, many people generate a full time income by running websites from home so the pay off is there if you put the time and energy in. We’ve shared how to start a blog here, and various ways you can monetise a blog based on our own experiences of running a monetised website.

4. Sell Your Unwanted Items On EBay

Unless you’re particularly good at de-cluttering, the chances are that you’re sitting on a number of easily saleable items in your home. Perhaps there’s an older mobile phone that you no longer use, or a laptop? Maybe you bought a camera but haven’t gotten to grips with it. Selling items on eBay can allow you to make money on those unused items and give them a new lease of life. Be aware that you’ll pay fees to list your product, as part of the final selling price and a fee if you use mechanisms like Paypal to take the funds. Look out for special free listing offers to make the most of the money you get back in return, we often sell items on offers with free or reduced fee listings.

 5. Get Your Clothes Onto Vinted

A similar concept to eBay but much more clothing centred, Vinted allows you to list items and then purchasers can buy them either singularly or in reduced price bundles. It’s a great way of clearing out your wardrobe or sorting out old children’s clothes that no longer fit! Just be warned, it’s easy to get addicted to buying on there as well!

6. Become A Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant or VA roles are when you charge out your time to do certain jobs. These range from any form of assistance; booking appointments, calendar management, creating social content, organising emails… if you have admin skills or other role specific skills that could be of benefit to another then you could set up as a VA. You can either do this independently or via a range of organisations that will support you in your Virtual Assistant role. Try companies such as Pink Spaghetti if you’re looking for more franchised support, or simply advertise your services on local online groups, noticeboards or to local companies. Many of the admin tasks can be done at different hours so this is a great way to work with young children around as you can schedule social posts or do research in the evenings.

7. Take And Sell Stock Images

If you’ve got an eye for the camera then you could make money by taking images and selling them for use on stock image sites. In order to do so you’ll need to make sure that you can take clear, crisp images. These sites then sell rights to others to use your images for a fee. Images can be of anything, it could be as generic as cleaning products, family shots or photos of the outdoors. Take for example if a person was going to write about spring cleaning. They would then want to add in an image that supports that, that’s where stock images come in, so the more generic the better! Try sites such as Shutterstock to sell your images.

8. Start A YouTube Channel

YouTube is a huge search engine, with people uploading and watching millions of hours of video each and every day. If you’re able to tap into that market then you can start to secure advertising revenue. You get this once views on your video have gone past a certain level. For this reason if you’re solely going into it to make money, things like children’s toy and game reviews do incredibly well, as do individuals playing computer games. If you’ve got children at home, why not give it a go next time and do a review of their favourite toys. You can even review products – you’ll be amazed at how many people will watch videos that cover unboxing and assembly. With low start up costs thanks to video phones, you should be able to edit simply on free software on your phone or laptop and get uploading. The investment is mainly time!

9. Create An Etsy Store

Etsy sells handmade products through a marketplace website, so you can set up a storefront and sell your wares online, paying Etsy a small fee per transaction. But what to sell? Whilst you can set up crafty ideas like line printing, photographs, bunting, art etc, items where you’ll get the best return are printables. Think about things like reward charts, printed artwork, calendars… anything that you upload once and the individual purchases and downloads will work. That’s because you don’t need to create a physical product each time, instead doing it once at the start and letting that run and run. Time to get crafty!

10. Hop On Facebook Marketplace

If you’ve got items at home that aren’t worthy of the bother of eBay and aren’t clothes suitable for Vinted, try selling them on local selling groups on Facebook. The benefits of this are that you won’t have to worry about trying to package the item up to send, and you’ll get the money as cash on collection. Selling on Facebook can be a faff thanks to the number of time wasters and communication required, but it’s also a great way to sell on unwanted items for a little extra.

11. Sell Baby Items On Octopus

In a similar vein, why not try selling baby products on Octopus. Designed for parents to use, the site primarily focuses on baby and childs products, so you’re talking to an engaged market. This is a great way to get rid of items that your child has grown out of or no longer uses.

12. Become A Secret Shopper

Did you know that you can get paid to be a mystery shopper? Often this will mean placing orders online or on the phone, asking for advice, trying to return items. You do all of these elements and give feedback to the organisation so that they can then make improvements. Secret shoppers may get to keep items or will be paid for their time and effort. Try organisations such as Tern for more information about joining their schemes.

13. Write A Book

Okay it’s a long shot, but if you’ve a passion for writing, why not channel that into trying to get published? If you’ve got ideas, there are plenty of places to seek guidance on how to write a novel online. Then send it off to a publisher to see if someone will take you on. Having no luck? You could also try self publishing on Amazon, which will allow you to have ultimate control of what your book looks like and what it sells for!

14. Become A Social Media Manager

Social media is a rapidly growing area and social media managers are worth their weight in gold. Whilst some organisations keep things in house and use this as an employed role, there is a huge freelance market for social media managers. This allows those with the right skills to take on clients, often for a set number of hours a week. As social media is all about scheduling posts and interacting at key times, this can often be really well suited to those looking to work in the evenings, as that’s normally when social media channels are at their busiest! You’ll want to have an active use of social media channels, a good understanding of the business aspects and if you want to stand out, you might want to consider a formal qualification to back it up. Mostly, you’ll just need to get that first client and then the rest will follow – why not offer to support a friend or family member in return for a positive review? Don’t forget to stay safe when using your mobile device and always log out, it’s vital you protect the accounts of your clients as well as your business!

15. Join An Affiliate Marketing Programme

Affiliate marketing programmes can be used to generate good amount of money purely by recommending items. Affiliate marketing is based off of the concept that you share a link with friends or family, people buy through that link (paying normal price) and you earn a small commission in return from the organisation. Commission rates are usually really low but, with perseverance and a good amount of work, those amounts can add up. well known affiliate schemes include things like Amazon and Stylink. These programmes are perfect if you’re active on social media and can promote products to your following as there’s no costs involved.

There are plenty of ways to earn money at home online, although you may find that you need a couple of different revenue streams to help you build it up to a worthwhile amount. We hope these have been helpful, let us know of any other suggestions you can think of

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