Five Steps To The Perfect Father’s Day

Father’s Day is one of those days that sneaks up on you. Up until now I’ve found it relatively stress-free; sort a card, scramble around for a small token and grace my Dad with my presence as his present. Then I had a child and all my haphazard ways went out the window. I wanted it to be perfect for the man who possibly, sometimes, every once-in-a-blue-moon gets a teeny weeny bit of a raw deal, maybe. It’s the one day of the year I’ll admit he deserves a treat more than I do. Even if it does pain me to say that.

I tried to think of all the things my son would do to show his love if he could. Unfortunately, it’s hard to wrap a direct punch to the eye with a wooden puzzle piece from the baby and you try picking up a gift voucher for a snot smearing hug. So instead, I put myself in my husband’s shoes, headed off to the Amara website and came up with his perfect Father’s Day, if money or reality were no object. Wish me luck, here we go…


Let’s face it, the best thing about a Sunday is not having to set an alarm. Even if it’s been redundant since the clearly-a-morning-baby arrived. On Father’s Day, said child will miraculously have slept through until at least 9am allowing us to wake naturally and turn on this rather gorgeous looking radio. I might even let him stream some of his favourites via Bluetooth direct from his phone. Providing it’s not Radiohead. Let’s not get too carried away.


Fresh from his lay in and now joined by a perfectly behaved offspring, it’s obviously time for breakfast in bed. What better way to kick of Father’s Day celebrations than with a fresh juice lovingly juiced by my own fair hands. I’d let the baby get involved but that would just be irresponsible. Instead, they can enjoy some precious bonding time together whilst I chuck the fruit in the compact power juicer, make a mug of freshly brewed coffee and pretend not to check social media. Once ready, it’ll be carefully delivered by myself and our first child (the dog) who has, rather skilfully, picked an Annie Bentley dogs tray as her gift.


No true perfect Father’s Day would be complete without letting Dad take some time for himself, away from being a father (oh, the irony). In our household that invariably means he’s either on his bike or on his laptop. Given that it’s a beautifully sunny day – remember, this is the perfect Father’s Day, he’ll be sent off on a bike ride. Taking his bike down from where it’s hung as pride of place on his trophy bull bike holder for once he won’t need to spend an hour fixing it first. Which is a shame because cracking out his bike repair kit is half the fun.

Trophy Bull Bike Holder3pm

Exhausted from the bike ride and the general excitement of being celebrated, it’s time for Dad to have some chill time. He’ll be lazing in his hammock pretending to be beachside whilst trying to drown out the incessant shouts of ‘Dada!’ from the other side of the garden. It’s time for the whole family to enjoy Dad’s favourite meal in the mid-afternoon sun… pizza. And what’s more manly than a pizza served outside on a wooden pizza paddle? Pizza served with a chilled tall glass of beer of course.


Finally, the baby is in bed and the day of celebrating Dad is drawing to an end. It’s time to round off Father’s Day with a last little bit of indulgence from me to him; a bath. I’ll even remove the mountains of bath toys and replace them with a comfy bath pillow for ultimate relaxation time. Once out, he can have a decent shave ready for the morning before slouching downstairs in his wool lined Ugg slippers to relax on the sofa. Talk about ending the day in style!

All of the items listed in this guide are available for purchase from Amara who house over 300 luxury lifestyle brands – so there really is something for every dad (and mum) out there!

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