Our Home: Dealing With Rubbish Removal

As most of you will know, over the last 12 months or so, we’ve been renovating our home. Last month saw us undertake some of the final bits of our current project; attacking the spare room and making over the garden. I’ll admit that DIY projects are my guilty secret, even when heavily pregnant. I love taking a space from the early planning stage through to those finishing touches, knowing that by the end we’ve created a whole new feel to the house little by little. But as much as I love it, there’s one part I hate… the rubbish removal.

It sounds like a ridiculous problem to have but rubbish removal is actually one of the most stressful parts, whether it’s from clearing out old belongings, DIY work or garden waste. Our bins are collected every three weeks and, with a little one around, we’re already invariably having to jump on top of it in order to get anything in. So when it comes to tackling the room full of junk, it’s a bit of a nightmare.

For us, that meant weeks of slowly siphoning it out into the bin or loading up the car numerous times to take things to the tip. It was long, laborious work that meant that our drive looked like a junk yard for a good few months. We removed the carpets only to struggle to fit them into the car, had faulty shutters delivered that we’re still not sure how to get rid of and have probably outstayed our welcome at the landfill. All in all, a rubbish removal disaster. Which is why, next time I’ll be going a different route for rubbish removal.

Recently, I heard of Clearabee; a UK based rubbish removal company that can handle your waste whether you’re in Central London or a rural setting like us! They offer multiple options to get rid of waste from your home; from a man in a van through to a variety of bags that you can have delivered, fill at your leisure and they’ll remove promptly as soon as you’re done. Perfect for clearing out rooms, tackling household projects or taking on a big job in the garden. It’s fuss-free, reliable and 90% of what they collect is then channeled into recycling rather than going to landfill… which is perfect because it saves me the job of trying to separate it all out myself or the guilt of just putting it in my landfill bin.

I’ve promised everyone that we’ll stay project free over the summer months, giving ourselves time to settle into and enjoy life as a family of four. Or atleast, that’s the official line. Because unofficially, I’ve seen how overrun our garage is at the moment and knowing that we could get rid of half of it with minimal fuss, I’m rather tempted to attack that now. With a little bit of help from Clearabee!

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