Our Home: Planning The Garden Makeover

Over the winter we’ve focused on trying to sort the inside of our home out. With a new addition on the way within the next few months we’ve got a ‘big boys’ bedroom to create from the dumping ground that constitutes our spare room, a nursery to freshen up and more than a handful of shelves and prints to hang. That’ll then mean all of the rooms in our house have been ‘refreshed’ at a minimum from the 80’s decor that covered it when we moved in three years ago.

There’s one room that we’ve been decidedly slow on considering. I use the term room in the loosest sense of the word given that I’m referring to the garden, but during the summer and with our new bi-fold doors in place, I intend to use it exactly as that. An extra room in our home. And frankly, it’s in need of more than a little TLC.

When we first looked at the house nearly four years ago, we were met with an abandoned jungle of a space. The two metres of grass behind the house gave way to a mass of overgrown shrubs and trees, clearly planted by someone who had loved and tended to the space before being unable to and pleading mercy from the ever encroaching wilderness. We knew it had potential, we just weren’t quite sure what we’d find if we delved deeper.

Since that day we’ve hacked, mown and demolished. We’ve been ripped at by brambles as tall as the house itself, we’ve shaped bushes into trees and we’ve attempted to make a garden that we could enjoy. And we have. But we’ve never truly been able to relax in it. For every day we’ve spent in it, we’ve spent weeks trying to battle the greenery in order to create a patch to sit on. It’s taken us years just to see the fence at the side, it took us moments to realise it wasn’t fully dog proof…

Until now. We’ve bitten back our pride (I have none when it comes to things like this but breaking Dave of his ‘I am man, I own garden’ mentality has been HARD) and decided to get people in to do it for us. Nothing ground-breaking to most but incredible to us. I’ve had my trusty graph paper out in an attempt to sketch out exactly what we want in terms of patio to grass, flower beds to fencing and which of the many trees we’re going to keep.

Join us over the next few weeks to see how things progress when the diggers come in…

Fancy seeing how things turned out? Check out our garden reveal here!

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