How to Make Moving House Less Stressful with Kids

If you know that you need to move house but you have never done it before then you will know how exhausting it can be. You may feel as though you have a thousand jobs to do and that there is just no way you are going to get them all done. If this sounds like you then there are things you can try to ensure that your move goes as smoothly as possible.

Having an Essentials Box

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have an essentials box. Labeling boxes on all sides and then creating a moving plan is one of the best ways for you to get the result you are going for. You only have a few weeks to move all of the belongings you have in a lot of instances, so make sure you label everything and get it in the right place. It’s a huge task but if you plan carefully then you will soon find that it is easier for you to try and get organized. One thing you can do to help yourself would be for you to make sure that you have an essentials box. Put your phone chargers, any medication and even your urgent items into this box, so that when the time comes for you to move, you have everything you need.

Don’t Compromise

There are a lot of different options when it comes to removal services. You could simply opt for a packing service or you could hire some people to see if they can help you with loading and unloading furniture. Either way, get at least a few quotes and make sure you don’t go for the cheapest. You need to go for the one that you feel reflects you the most. If you haven’t got a lot of stuff then a van or even a loaded car could do the trick. You could even ask a friend to see if they have a large car that they could loan you. Either way, one thing to take note of is that if you do everything yourself then you won’t have enough insurance to cover breakages and this can quickly add up to be expensive.

Bags are Good for Packing

When it comes to packing and moving, you need to know that bags are just as good as boxes. Boxes are a moving essential but if you have some odds and ends then bags are a fantastic solution. Zipped laundry bags are one of the best tools that you have and they can be a great solution for moving coats, shoes and even linen. Supermarket bags and totes are also great here as you can move everything you need with ease that way.

Label Everything

Labeling everything is critical. It may sound obvious but so many people forget what they have put where, and this can lead to monumental issues later down the line. Put labels on one side and then again on the other because when you do, it doesn’t matter how you stack them or how you load them into the van, you know that there is going to be enough room for everything. If you are feeling super organized and want to take things to that next level then one thing to do would be for you to try and make an inventory of what is in every box so you can make sure that you make enough room in storage. You can easily retrieve items you need this way, rather than having to dig them out in your time of need.

Get the Kids Involved

If you want to try and make moving house less stressful then another thing you can do is try and get the kids involved. If you know that your kids are helping you to haul boxes then you don’t have to worry about them having to be good. If you can, give them each a job and then ask a family member to see if they can watch over them while they do it. This is a good way for you to free up a bit of responsibility and it also gives you the time to get things done more efficiently. Things like this are a great way for you to get things done and you would be surprised at how much it could help you to complete your move in record time.  If your kids aren’t old enough to help then this is fine, consider hiring a babysitter or even a family member to see if they can help out either way.

Consider Pets

When you move house, you may find that pets get in the way. The last thing you want is for your dog to get out when you have so much going on but at the same time, you also need to make sure that you are not letting them get under their feet when you have people moving through your home.  If you want to do something about this then consider either hiring the help of a pet sitter or having them stay in a kennel while you get the job done. If you have a dog crate then this could work but at the same time, you may find it difficult to keep them calm. If you have a nervous dog then they may feel apprehensive about having people in the house, so in instances like this, it could be a good idea for you to try and hire someone to help out as your pet will be calmer and so will you.

Little things like this can make a huge difference to how successful your move is. If you want to help yourself with your move then planning ahead is key, as well as making sure that you have enough family members to hand so you can make sure that everything runs smoothly. Things like this can be a real game-changer so keep that in mind for when the big day comes.

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