Living Arrows 2019: Week Two

Where to start, this week has been a bit of a mixed one. Since December we’ve been dealing with all of the illnesses going and this last week has seen yet another hit us! Colds and stomach bugs aside, it’s been a great week. The lead up to Christmas is always so busy and this month is wonderfully quiet, giving us the chance to soak up some proper family time, just us four. Here’s what we’ve been up to this week, aside from destroying my clean pile of washing, the terrors!


Ever the awful sleeper, this guy has always kept us on our toes when it comes to snoozing. He’s one of those children who seems to love getting up early and is so terrified of missing out on something that he’ll power through, even when exhausted! Since the end of the summer he’s stopped napping and yet that seems to have made no difference! That said, he’s always been very good at going to bed early and will sleep fairly solidly through until the morning when he’s absolutely wide awake. Over the last week he’s learnt that he can climb out of his big boy bed and walk into our room, which has resulted in some very early starts and some cute moments where we’ve gone up to bed and found him crashed out in our room instead of his own.

Despite wanting to cry when he wanders in at 4.30, we’ve tried hard to embrace it and see the positive side; we were out at the beach by 8am on Sunday! The beach in the off season is one of my favourite places; it’s the time when locals take over and there’s nothing quite like it for waking you up for the day and putting you in a good mood. We played hide and seek in amongst the beach huts, built tiny sandcastles and stopped for breakfast as soon as the cafes opened. Well, if you have to be up early, you may as well embrace it!


Oh my poor baby, it’s horrible seeing someone tiny deal with cold after cold and yet here we are. I keep telling myself that she’ll have the immune system of a pro when she’s older and that it’s entirely worth the streams of snottiness that we’re currently wading through. This week has mostly been about getting through it for her; she’s been on the Calpol and dealing with a nasty fever but hopefully the end is in the sight, the coughing has subsided and she no longer feels warm enough to burn yourself on! Her third tooth is starting to break through, it’ll be her first top one. She’s trying hard to crawl and increasingly gets herself into the right position before giving up and having a little whinge. She’s sleeping awfully and wants to be with you constantly but that hasn’t stopped her from smiling away in between the tears.

This weeks photo is from one of our days together. We get a couple of days alone together whilst the toddler is in childcare and knowing that returning to work will spell the end of those, I’m determined to make the most of them with quality time with her. After a long night of being up, we’d managed to get a nap in together – a definite rarity! Dave snapped this photo when he popped home for lunch and I love it, she looks so tiny and yet so grown up at the same time!


This post is linking up with the Living Arrows series over at What The RedHead Said. If you’d like to see more of our weekly updates, you can find them here! 


  • Suburban Mum 21st January 2019 at 11:56 am

    There are so many bugs going around a the moment – I hope you’re all feeling better. 4.30 is a really early start but like you say, you may as well embrace it! #LivingArrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 22nd January 2019 at 11:12 am

      I’d love to say they were but they’re still so poorly! Nothing like a good dose of winter bugs eh?!

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