Living Arrows: Week Twenty Four

Happy Monday!! This week is our last week at home for a couple weeks as the building work finally comes inside. We’re moving to my parents house which will be an experience for all of us! I know that a certain little guy will LOVE it though, he’s about to be spoilt rotten for the next few weeks! In typical fashion, we’ve buried our heads in the sand and rather than sort all of our worldly goods out, we sped off to Bristol this weekend to stay with my sister.

We’ve eaten plenty, mooched around the streets of Clifton and just generally spent time together with her. It turns out a flat is a great place for a baby – no stairs to worry about. The highlight was our trip on Saturday to Bristol Zoo Gardens, a short walk from her flat. It was a great day out; loads of animals to see and plenty of activities for kids, even if it’s more suited to slightly older ones. He wore his new giraffe t-shirt and his fox trousers, what can I say, it was a very cute animal themed day! My favourites were the lions snuggling together looking very harmless but this boy loved the flamingoes! Here he is about to destroy the restaurant at lunchtime and eat his crayons… what a delicious meal!

What is Living Arrows?

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

Living Arrows is the brainchild of Donna at What the Redhead Said. Each week, you capturing your memory of the week in a moment in time and share it with the world. You can follow our journey over the next year by subscribing below or by clicking here!


  • Vicki Coombe 12th June 2017 at 10:58 am

    Ahh I love Bristol – we used to go there all the time. Definately a good call to avoid building work though!

    • DevonMamaOnline 12th June 2017 at 11:35 am

      It’s such a lovely city, especially the part she lives in! I was very jealous!!

  • Donna 15th June 2017 at 4:34 pm

    I’ve never spent much time in Bristol but have driven through so many times. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend – and I hope the rest of the building work goes smoothly! x

    • DevonMamaOnline 15th June 2017 at 8:49 pm

      It’s a great city, I’d recommend stopping there! Thanks for stopping by x

  • Emma T 15th June 2017 at 9:55 pm

    Bristol’s a great place to visit. Hope the building work goes smoothly #livingarrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 15th June 2017 at 10:51 pm

      It’s lovely, we had a great weekend! Me too, so far so good!

  • Pat - White Camellias 17th June 2017 at 2:49 pm

    Good luck with the rest of the building work. Love the photo of your little #livingarrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 19th June 2017 at 9:49 pm

      Thank you!! We’re hoping it will be relatively painless!

  • Nicola 17th June 2017 at 5:18 pm

    I’m glad you had such a fun time at your sister’s. Yes, living in a flat is great for not having to worry about stairs! Had not ever thought of that particular positive.

    • DevonMamaOnline 19th June 2017 at 9:57 pm

      I’m all about the silver lining! Am now in possession of a child who is ADDICTED to stair climbing… it’s terrifying! Bring back flat living!

  • Mudpie Fridays 19th June 2017 at 12:12 am

    We visited Bristol zoo when Monkey was younger and loved it. I know what you mean about a flat! We’ve just spent the day at my inlaws and they have open stairs!! Sounds like a wonderful little getaway xx #LivingArrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 20th June 2017 at 9:20 pm

      Open stairs?! Eurgh! My parents have the same and I spend all day and night now chasing him down from the stairs. Which probably only makes it more fun! ARGH!

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