Review: A Weekend Break At Polperro Holiday Park (Previously Seaview Holiday Village)

Growing up, Cornwall was always there in our family holidays. I don’t think a year passed where we didn’t pack everything into the car and head off to a campsite or hotel for a bit of Cornish air. Over the last few years I’ve let that slide a little but a recent family trip made me realise just how much I missed it. So, when we were offered the opportunity to review Polperro Holiday Park’s new Ultimate Bungalows this September, I couldn’t pass it up. A long weekend in one of my favourite parts of the world? I was practically in the car there and then.

ps. Before we start, we visited the site in 2018, when it was previously known as Seaview Holiday Village. Since this time it’s been rebranded as Polperro Holiday Park (makes sense, given how close it is to Polperro) and it’s now available via HoSeasons! As past users of HoSeasons, we’re confident that this would only add to the experience.

Polperro Holiday Park (Previously Seaview Holiday Village)

Polperro Holiday Park is based in Polperro, Looe. It’s on Cornwall’s south coast, about 45 minutes further west from Plymouth. With a range of accommodation options from caravan through to bungalow ready to suit different needs, party sizes and budgets, this year they’ve invested over £100,000 in new and refurbished accommodation, something we were there to put to the test! We were offered a choice between the pet friendly bungalow or the ultimate bungalow. Don’t get me wrong, I love our dog to pieces but the thought of shipping two children, her and half of our worldly possessions down there for the weekend left me feeling a bit frazzled. No, we were going ultimate.

Before We Left

As is always the way, Dave had to work on the Friday we were due to arrive, leaving me to sort the house, pack the car and generally keep both children alive. Easier said than done. Knowing we wouldn’t get to the site until gone seven, we arranged in advance to collect the keys late. I contacted reception via the live chat feature on their website (I swear live chat was invented for parents who can’t make a phone call without a toddler screaming in the background!) who made a note of our booking number and assured us it wouldn’t be a problem.

We were advised to pack essentials such as toilet roll, towels and washing up stuff. We knew that the beds would all be made up with fresh linens for us on arrival but also chose to take our own food and baby items. If you don’t have space in the car, Seaview offer a couple of different welcome packs that cover off the essentials for you. You can also pre-order baby items to be left in your accommodation; whether that’s a bed guard, a highchair or a travel cot. Thankfully we managed to fit everything in the car, squashed the kids into their seats and headed off.

On Arrival

We’re blessed with an inventive sat nav which made me incredibly grateful that the Polperro Holiday Park site is easy to find. Head through Looe (gorgeous!) toward Polperro and it’s on your left. Like all good holiday parks, it’s flanked with easy to spot flags and (my favourite!) a giant deckchair… perfect for posing in!

Due to our late arrival, check in took place in the bar. Whilst I checked in, the early evening children’s entertainment time was running, something that I knew the toddler would love; music, lights and a big dance floor for running around! Check in was quick and efficient, we were given the keys and a map and directed off to find our bungalow.

The Accomodation

As I mentioned, we were staying in the ultimate bungalows which are the highest level of accommodation available at Polperro Holiday Park. They’re situated toward the lower end of the site giving us a chance to see what else was around as we drove down. The site was clean and fairly quiet – the beauty of us not having to stick to school holidays! Parking was slightly away from our bungalow so we pulled up outside to unload rather than have to walk it up from the car with every trip.

The first thing we noticed were the incredible views; the bungalow faces out and down over Talland Bay. It’s beautiful. The access to our bungalow was paired with one other, meaning we had communal steps and entrance doorway before our own separate doorway.

Inside, the main room consists of an open plan lounge, dining table and compact kitchen. I was expecting a far smaller space so was really impressed with the layout in order to make it feel spacious but still cosy. A big L shaped sofa filled the lounge area giving us plenty of comfiness to relax on, just what was needed after that journey. Against the far wall was a fire effect electric heater with a large TV overhead – we popped CBeebies on and started to explore further.

Off of the main living space there’s a small bathroom (with a wonderfully powerful shower!), the master double bedroom and the children’s room complete with bunkbeds. Whilst the toddler was very keen to sleep in the bunks, he’s a little too young at the moment so had to be content with his travel cot. We’d checked in advance and were told a travel cot was unlikely to fit in the bedroom but we managed it. It meant that we couldn’t fully open the children’s bedroom door but with just him in there, it made far more sense for us. Because it blocked the access, I’d advise against doing this if you need more children in there. Alternatively you could easily fit a cot in the lounge area (there’s a TV in the bedroom so you can hide in there of an evening instead!)

Finally, at the front of the bungalow was a large decked terrace, complete with fairy lights and patio furniture. Oh and those views!! The lounge had large bi-fold doors which could be opened up to give a huge indoor/outdoor living space; something I’d definitely do if the weather was a little warmer. The only small issue was that it could have done with a gate to shut off our deck area from the steps. Older kids would have no issues but a toddler with a passion for escape quickly attempted to dive off the steps over and over. The next day, our neighbours turned up and created a barricade on their side from chairs… if only we’d thought of that!

The Facilities

Normally, we’ll happily stick to our accommodation only but, in the interests of checking out the whole site (and wearing out a toddler!), we set out to explore the next day. Polperro Holiday Park (previously known as Seaview Holiday Village) has a large indoor pool, two play areas, a mini golf course and a big restaurant and bar area complete with dance floor. We’d packed our swim stuff in an attempt to get the toddler more enthusiastic about swimming so off we went! The pool was big, clean and actually quite warm! The jets on the spa weren’t working during our visit but for us this was a big plus; we ended up with a little warm pool perfect for bobbing around with the baby.

Having survived swimming with two little ones, we rewarded ourselves with a drink in the bar area. We were going to order some food from the extensive (and delicious looking) menu, but were a little too early for the kitchen to be open. Probably for the best given that I was trying to stick to my healthy eating plan! We sat in the main eating area and relaxed. Normally, a drink out would fill me with dread but the beauty of Polperro Holiday Park was knowing that it was okay for the toddler to wear himself out by ‘dancing’ aka running around the dance floor whilst we watched him from the safety of our seats. It makes life so much easier when you’re in a family friendly environment! As we left we saw that the restaurant offers a takeaway service, something I would definitely use if I stayed again.

On the way home we made our first of many trips to the play area. We conquered the climbing wall, raced in and around the netting and slid down the slides… even Dave had a go! Happily exhausted after an afternoon of fun and activity, we strolled back down the site to our holiday home and settled in for the night in front of the fire… bliss!

As a side note, there’s also an onsite shop, a laundrette and various children’s clubs including toddler time. As we were only there for a short time, we didn’t need to use any of those but, as a mum of two mess creators, the idea of a laundrette on side made me feel far more comfortable. There’s entertainment every evening; whether that’s bingo, a musician or even a magician. Oh and there’s wifi in certain locations, let’s not forget the important things!

The Surrounding Area

There was plenty to do around the Polperro, Looe area; so much so that we ran out of time! With just a couple of days to explore, we decided to spend the first morning in Polperro before heading to Talland Bay for a spot of lunch. Polperro was like stepping back in time; we parked at the top of the village before walking down the narrow streets to the harbour. There was something incredibly charming about the place, with its tram that ferries people to and from the main carpark and it’s large working harbour. Due to a lack of cars around, it was a great place for the toddler to explore on his own two feet. Even if they did often lead him to the ice-cream sellers! Saving ourselves for lunch, we left Polperro and set off for the beach.

Talland Bay is the bay that’s visible from the Polperro Holiday Park site. A winding pathway of lanes down from the main road brings you out in a small bay complete with car park and a cafe. We perched ourselves inside a beach hut and ordered; prawn baguettes, pasties and of course, an ice cream for the toddler… not that he would touch it! After eating, we took ourselves down to the beach itself for a spot of crab hunting and puddle jumping. Thankfully, the toddler has inherited our love of the seaside and was in his element there. I can honestly say that I could’ve spent all day there but with an ever increasingly grouchy baby, we decided to head back to the bungalow for naps all round.

We decided to visit the Eden Project on the Sunday. When we’d booked our trip, we were told all about App for Cornwall; a phone app that allows you to search for activities, restaurants, events and more that are near you. Even better, it’ll highlight any offers that are on; helping you to save money. We did a bit of research on what was happening around us and decided the Eden Project would make a great day out. Plus it was only 45 minutes away… it would be foolish not to visit when so close!

I’ll pop up a separate post about the Eden Project as there’s too much to write to include it here but suffice to say, we had a great day out. We thought we’d finished for the day but made a last minute decision to delay bedtime and make a speedy trip into Looe. After all, is it even a holiday if you don’t have a fish and chip supper?! Looe was about ten minutes from the holiday village, if that. Again, it’s easy to park and we made the short walk into the town centre. Looe certainly had a more modern feel than Polperro and as we made our way to the beachfront, we both were a little sad that we didn’t have more time to explore it properly. We’ll just have to come again! Fish and chips in hand, we made our way back to the site for our final night… something we were all upset about!

What Did We Really Think?

I’ll admit to being a little apprehensive about what our weekend away would be like. It can be hard work with two little ones to find somewhere that caters to all of our needs. I needn’t have worried. I can honestly say that we had a great time. The accommodation was a great fit for us although I think it would be even more suited to those with slightly older kids. The sofa was large and comfy, the carpets plush and the shower great. The kitchen was fully equipped (and I mean, fully!) and there was storage beyond my wildest dreams. Often we end up drowning in bags and piles of clothes but there was plenty of space to pack things away which made me far happier than it should have – parent life, eh? I loved the deck and would definitely be spending every moment out there if the weather was nicer, although I’d like to see a gate fitted, just to ensure safety and a little more privacy (not that we didn’t love the arrival of next door’s toddler outside our lounge door at random times!).

In terms of facilities, Polperro Holiday Park had plenty to offer and even though we were no longer in season, we were met with plenty of smiling faces and couldn’t have asked for more helpful staff members. The pool was quiet, the bar was family friendly and affordable and the play areas would suit all different ages. I’d say that we probably didn’t see the pool at its best as the fountain wasn’t on and the spa wasn’t working, oh and from a family point of view I’d prefer it if the lockers were in the changing room (lugging a slippery baby, an unimpressed toddler and all of our clothes around the edge of the swimming pool whilst soaking wet was an interesting manoeuvre) but these are tiny things and certainly didn’t stop us from enjoying ourselves.

Would We Pay To Go Again?

I’d return to Polperro Holiday Park and I can see why people do go year after year. You can tell that they’ve invested in renovating accommodation and I’m under no illusions that we were in one of the nicest ones available but even that was still affordable and I’d recommend it to anyone visiting the site. The facilities were spot on for what we needed with children this age and there was a really relaxed vibe – I definitely felt like I was on holiday! But the real clincher? The great location; glorious views, minutes from the beach and a real hub for exploring Cornwall.

As we sat there one evening, we chatted about how we seemed to get it into our heads that we had to go far to have a ‘proper holiday’. But the truth of the matter is we really didn’t have to; there was everything we needed right there in an incredibly family friendly setting and comfortable, spacious accommodation. A proper, almost old-fashioned British holiday filled with simple pleasures. Just the break that we needed.

Fancy seeing a little more of our stay at Seaview Holiday Village (now, Polperro Holiday Park)? You can get a quick overview of the site and a tour of our ultimate bungalow by watching our short video over on YouTube. For anyone wondering, ours was number 71!

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