Unmissable Family Holidays With Young Children

I’m a firm believer that travel is an important part of growing up. It exposes children to different cultures, different ways of living and different foods. Not only that but it’s a great way to spend some quality family time together away from the day to day stresses and jobs that sneak in it at home!

One of our biggest concerns when starting a family was that we’d have to curb our wanderlust and start focusing on holidays closer to home. Both Dave and I love to travel and have been lucky enough to visit countries all over the world from a young age. So the thought of having to curtail those itchy feet wasn’t something that sat comfortably with us. Since the birth of our son a couple of years ago we’ve managed to visit the Caribbean and parts of Europe although since the baby arrived, I’ll admit that our travels have been far shorter and more focussed on local destinations…  but not for long! There are a few unmissable family holidays with young children that I just can’t get out of my head, from France to America, fancy seeing them? Then read on…

Unmissable Family Holidays With Young Children

Lapland At Christmas

There’s nothing quite like seeing the magic of Christmas through a child’s eyes. You get such a short window of opportunity between them being old enough to understand and young enough to still believe in the magic of it. For that reason, a trip to visit Santa in Lapland is a must in my opinion. I love the idea of making a proper holiday for all of us out of it; sled rides, viewing the Northern Lights and meeting Father Christmas in his home. I know it’s something that we’d all remember for a long time to come.

Camping Under The Stars

Less exotic but just as memory forming, a camping trip is an essential part of any childhood if you ask me. Find a campsite near the sea and embrace simple living with fish suppers and BBQ’s galore after long beach filled days. I’ve got great memories of camping every summer in Cornwall; waking up as the sun rises, washing ourselves in the sea and playing card games inside the tent late into the night. I can’t wait to start our family camping trips – added bonus, it’s easy to take the dog!!

Exploring New Cultures In Asia

Having spent the first part of my career as a buyer, I’ve spent many weeks travelling parts of India and Asia, touring factories and getting to see life away from the tourist path. I’d love to go back to the busy streets of India and the quiet countryside of China but first on my family travel list is Japan. With a rich and highly respectful culture, it feels like a safe environment to take young-ish children to and it’s fairly easy to travel around. I want to show them the beauty of traditional dress at the love temple in Kyoto, watch their faces as they try sushi from the masters and see them embrace the madness of anime.

Disney, Disney, Disney

Would any family holiday wish list be complete without Disney on there? I have to say, I think this is one that we’ll visit a couple of times; once when the children are small enough to think the characters have truly come to life and again when they’re older to experience more of the thrilling rides. We’ll most likely make this a big family holiday to Florida with grandparents and siblings involved, rent a villa with a pool and make Disney a part of it rather than the entire experience. I’ve started them on Disney movies already, just to get them prepped.

Hitting The Slopes

Whilst I love a sunny holiday as much as the next person, my heart truly lies with winter breaks. Both Dave and I enjoy skiing and are counting down the weeks until our younger family members are old enough to hit the slopes alongside us. Most places will let them join a ski school from the age of three, so we’re a couple of years away yet unfortunately. Learning to ski whilst so young means they pick it up far more quickly due to a low centre of gravity and a ‘no fear’ mentality! I love Arosa in Switzerland; you can take a mountain train that travels through the snow to get you right into the centre of the resort – beautiful when you’re an adult, incredibly exciting when you’re a train obsessed child.

Road Trip Around Europe

We’re guilty of not exploring the rest of Europe enough despite it being on our doorstep. I spent many a childhood holiday driving down through France, stopping at different towns along the way for a couple of days and you know what? I loved it! There’s a real sense of adventure in packing up your bags and hitting the road, stopping where and when you can along the way. A couple of years ago, I toured Italy with my sister via train and I’m not ruling that out either. Why just visit one place when you can have the best of everywhere and visit them all?

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