Why Campervans are Great for Family Holidays 

Travelling with your family can be quite an expensive expedition due to transportation and accommodation needs. A quick solution to making family travels more affordable and at the same time ensuring you do not miss out on spectacular sights along your trip is the use of a caravan. While some may find it very restrictive in that you are crammed up for a better part of your journey, surprisingly, it is educational, exciting, and loads of fun. Campervans are also great for family holidays because of convenience, time, and cost-efficiency. They provide a great bonding experience for all. Because the campervan is like a house, inclusive of cooking facilities, there is an increased risk of fire or other hazardous accidents. This makes it necessary to have campervan insurance to safeguard yourself from any potential dangers.

Remember also that the campervan is a vehicle like any other, and insurance is a legal requirement for it to be on the road. Therefore, it is essential to get campervan insurance quotes that covers both vehicle and caravan and all the facilities that come with it. So, what makes a campervan so great for family holidays?


Planning a trip can be quite a hassle, ensuring you do not forget to pack essential items. When going on holiday with a campervan, you experience hassle-free preparation as you will barely need to think about arranging various things. Most campers come with sufficient storage space, so you can always leave them pre-packed.

Cost Efficiency

Eating out is sometimes limiting, increasing your chances of consuming fast food a bit too often. You can pack healthy food and snacks, save on your restaurant costs, and ensure you feed your family a healthy diet throughout the journey.

Call of Nature

If you have children, you understand that frequent need to answer the call of nature. Using public transport is not always convenient when the little ones need to use the bathroom. Or when you have to wait in line in a crowded area.


You save time on travel arrangement bookings, packing, and the journey itself as you will leave at your own time and not have to wait for scheduled departures.

Experience Nature

It’s easy to experience nature when travelling by caravan. You can see the countryside and visit all those lovely sights you would otherwise have missed out on. You can stop as you wish and gaze at wildlife.

Engaging Kids

Children tend to get distracted, irritated, and fidgety quickly, causing a challenge when using public transport. With a campervan, you can take turns playing games with the kids at the back and keep them positively engaged. You can also have educational moments as you pass by different sites.


More often than not, travelling with pets is not allowed unless you are using your private transport means. Now, you can take your pet along with you wherever you go with no inhibitions whatsoever.

No Airport Hustle

When you don’t have to deal with airport lounges, it means you have extra time on your hands to experience more. It also allows you to gradually get accustomed to a new climate and culture as you go instead of it slapping you once you off-board the plane.

Stress-Free Life

Being able to travel any time you want prevents you from getting caught up in the stresses of life. After all, any time you feel overwhelmed, you can get into your campervan and drive off to a location of choice.

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