Babease- Food for Babies NOT Baby Food

Review: Babease Baby Food

When we first started weaning, I was adamant I wanted to go down a purely baby led weaning route. I loved the idea that it would expose my son to textures from a young age and I’d heard over and over how it helps to develop their palate – after all, they’d be eating everything we ate. So we tried it. And tried it. And tried it. Three months later, he could chew and swallow food like a pro when he wanted to but did he? Rarely. Every meal time was a battle and one that I consistently lost.

Turning to a combination of baby led and traditional puree based weaning seemed like our only hope of getting solids in him but it filled me with dread. I hated the idea of feeding my baby puree. How could a pre-prepared pouch be healthy? How could I still expose him to flavour? Every brand we tried was either bland or ridiculously sweet, neither of which appealed to me OR the baby.

Babease - Food For Babies, Not Baby Food. Vegetable Led Weaning

So when Babease got in touch, I leapt at the chance to try something different. Based on the concept that a love of savoury foods should be encouraged from the start, Babease doesn’t try to hide bitter vegetables in amongst sugary fruits with strange flavour combinations these are combos that make sense. It’s impossible to spoon feed my child without getting covered in it which generally means I end up tasting his meals whether I want to or not. To be frank, they’re not just sensible, they’re delicious especially my our current fave – chickpea, pumpkin, tomato and coconut cream with herbs and mild masala. In their own words, they’re creating ‘food for babies, not baby food’.

Made in the UK, Babease only uses great quality, organic ingredients that are homegrown in this country wherever possible. It’s gluten and dairy free and entirely suitable for vegetarians – not that we’re any of those in this household but it’s nice to know, especially with a young baby. Each recipe is created by a holy trinity of baby food gurus; a chef, a nutritionist and a parent! What does that mean for me? I can guarantee it’s nutritional, tasty and tested by real people – not just a person in a lab coat! Plus, there’s a quick glance ingredients wheel on the back so I can easily see what’s inside. Yum.babease nutrition wheel

Now, I’ll be honest, Babease wasn’t a brand I’d heard of before; I’d never fully made it past supermarket own brands or that little girl and her bountiful kitchen and I wasn’t entirely sure where I’d be able to find it easily. It’s all well and good discovering a great product but as a parent with little spare time and a worrying capacity to forget to buy things in advance, I need it to be easily accessible at a moments notice. If we find a meal that works for more than a mouthful, I want to be able to get more of it there and then!

A little research quickly showed me that I needn’t have been concerned. Boots Chemist offer the Babease Baby Plan in-store and online with savings to be made when you buy 5 sachets at a time. For those of us with a small addiction love of online shopping (show me a parent who isn’t!), it’s also available from Amazon in larger bulk packs. You can even get it at Ocado if you’re feeling fancy.

Babease - Food For Babies, Not Baby Food. Vegetable Led Weaning

For me, that’s more than enough to cinch the deal but then a little hidden extra pushed me into full on fangirling mode. Babease pouches come in the usual baby friendly squeezy pouch but are also enveloped in a stylish card outer. Now if you’re like me, you’d probably normally ignore that bit, either leaving it on the pouch to get covered in food or ripping it off and popping it in the bin without another thought.


That cardboard outer isn’t just for pretty packaging. Inside there’s something all mamas want, especially this one… a little something for us! As Babease say, it’s easy to forget our own nutrition when we’re focused on our little one’s. Each pouch outer has a recipe aimed at a food or drink for parents, from fennel tea to no-flour banana bread, something to give us a little balanced boost.

A perfect partner that’s got mine and my baby’s back – what more could I ask for in the war on weaning?

Babease - Food For Babies, Not Baby Food. Vegetable Led Weaning

Babease is available in two ranges; First Tastes (suitable from 4 months, recommended from 6 months) and Added Texture (for 7 months upwards).

First Tastes

  • Sweet Potato, Carrot & Cauliflower
  • Butternut Squash, Carrot & Broccoli
  • Pumpkin & Pea
  • Sweet Potato & Pear with Coconut Water, Brown Rice & Quinoa
  • Banana, Pear & Blueberry with Brown Rice
  • Pear & Mixed Berries with Coconut Water, Brown Rice & Quinoa

Added Texture

  • Sweet Potato, Tomato, Carrot & Quinoa with Chickpeas & Cumin
  • Butternut Squash, Quinoa & Beetroot with Onion & Sage
  • Chickpea, Pumpkin, Tomato & Coconut Cream with Herbs & Mild Masala
  • Broccoli, Parsnip, Green & Puy Lentils with Onion, Fennel, Tomato & Herbs
  • Brown Rice, Swede, Courgette & Kale with Onion, Garlic & Thyme 

For further information on the range, ingredients and recipes as well as stockists, visit

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Winning the War on Weaning with Babease


  • Beth 1st March 2017 at 11:46 am

    These look great! I especially love that they have a recipe for us parents too to keep us going!

    • DevonMamaOnline 1st March 2017 at 6:42 pm

      I know, such a simple but lovely idea!

  • Amy | All Things Amy 1st March 2017 at 2:42 pm

    These sound amazing, love the variety of flavours. Weaning is a minefield isn’t it?

    • DevonMamaOnline 1st March 2017 at 6:41 pm

      A total, terrifying minefield! Constantly filled with the fear of ruining my child so it’s nice to find something that actually IS tasty for once and he seems to enjoy!

  • nicola 1st March 2017 at 3:07 pm

    excellent post, as always! Love Babease, I didn’t realise there was a recipe on the inside!

    • DevonMamaOnline 1st March 2017 at 6:37 pm

      There is! I’m yet to try making any of them but I love the idea!

  • Lindsey 1st March 2017 at 7:41 pm

    These seem super tasty love that they supply you with a recipe card do that you can try to recreate, perfect for cooking bulk

    • DevonMamaOnline 1st March 2017 at 8:36 pm

      The recipes are more things for mums – cakes, teas etc. It’s about time someone thought of yumminess for us!!

  • Emily and Indiana 1st March 2017 at 7:44 pm

    How clever that they have something for the parents on the back – they’ve thought of everything! Good luck with weaning 🙂 xx

    • DevonMamaOnline 1st March 2017 at 8:37 pm

      Isn’t it?! Thanks for the luck, feels like it’s hard work right now!

  • Nicola 1st March 2017 at 7:53 pm

    These look so yummy. We’ve started giving Dex a pouch every so often for him to suck on. I hope to find somewhere that stocks babease soon!!

    • DevonMamaOnline 1st March 2017 at 8:38 pm

      It’s nice to be able to combine the best bits of both pouches and non-pouch food!

  • Emma 1st March 2017 at 8:18 pm

    Ah I’ve not heard of this brand before! I will keep them in mind in case we have similar issues with Benjamin when it comes to baby led weaning him x

    • DevonMamaOnline 1st March 2017 at 8:35 pm

      I’ve found combining the two to work quite well now he’s a little more settled! Enjoy weaning! x

  • Babies and Beauty 1st March 2017 at 11:03 pm

    We love Babease too, they’re so lovely and by far the best pouch Patrick has ever had. We rarely use them but I’ve literally tonight just re-ordered a lot online to have in as you never know and I’d definitely rather have these.

    • DevonMamaOnline 3rd March 2017 at 10:29 am

      I saw them in Tesco today as well so they must be hitting more and more shelves! They’re so yummy aren’t they?!

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