A Letter To My Pregnant Self

Hey there you, me, whatever it is we call ourselves.

You’re probably wondering why I’m writing. I’m writing to tell you that you can do this. You’ve got this. You’re going to ace motherhood.

Firstly, I know it’s your due date but you’re going to go overdue. Ten days. I know. I KNOW. You’ll go through four sweeps which aren’t as bad as you currently think, although I would re-consider taking Mum along to them. You don’t really want her to see that. You’ll ignore Dave when he tells you he thinks you’re in labour. You should probably listen when he tells you to ring the hospital. You should definitely leave earlier. Oh and put a towel down on the car seat. Please.

Your labour will be quicker than everyone’s currently telling you it will be. Don’t forget to bring the bags in this time. Oh and don’t write off a pool birth until you’ve tried it, you’ll end up having him in there. Don’t worry though. You won’t poo yourself. There won’t be a fishing net in sight.

Did you catch that? I said him. It’s a boy. You’re going to have a son. You might want to stop looking at cute baby dresses now. You’re going to have to learn how to clean around a tiny willy. For the record, apparently it’s normal for their balls to contract when they cough. Who knew?! Well now you do.

untitled-design-33You’re going to question every little thing you do. You’re going to worry that you’re not doing it right, that you might break him. You won’t. He’ll get very sick a couple weeks in, just listen to your gut. Yes he’ll go to hospital and you’ll be terrified but you’ll get through it. Both of you will. Sorry, all THREE of you will. And you’ll be stronger afterwards but also more fragile because for a second, you knew what you had to lose. You’ll be petrified every time he’s slightly warm or off-colour but he is strong. You are strong. You’ve got this.

You can get through breastfeeding. I know you want to do it, you don’t realize how hard it will be just yet but you can crack this. Mastitis, blocked ducts, poor latch… you’ll go through phases of dreading feeding but you’ll get there. You’ll beat yourself up for considering formula. You shouldn’t. If he’s fed, he’s happy.

You will watch him unfurl and change from a tiny miracle into a baby. A real life baby. There will be times when you shut yourself in the toilet just to get a break. There will be times when you cry in the darkness. There will be times when you scream at Dave for no reason. I’m here to tell you it’s completely normal. You’re going to get through it. It gets easier.

Before you know it, he’ll be smiling and looking for you and rolling. He’s practically crawling already! You won’t believe how excited you get about such a basic human function. Don’t forget to put a rug down though, that carpet is 90% dog hair. He’ll catch your eye when you’re across the room and he will literally light up. His face will split into two and his eyes will crease and in that moment you’ll know it was all worth it.

Make the most of your last few days as a duo. It sounds clichéd but get some sleep. Eat a meal at the same time. Leave the house with just your handbag. Enjoy each other before you become a three. Together you’re in for the ride of your life. It’s going to get tough at times but baby, you’ve got this.


Me, you, us.


This post first appeared on www.meetothermums.com

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