The Christmas Tag

As you might have guessed, I’m a big fan of Christmas. So taking part in the Christmas Tag is right up my street. Have a little read and see how we like to celebrate the festive season… (spoiler: it’s mostly food based)

Thanks to Vikki from Mum Times Two and Sara from Mind Your Mamma for the tags! I’m tagging in Nicola from Mummy To Dex and Nicola from I Am Crabstix.

Here we go…

What’s your favourite Christmas movie? My absolute favourite is Miracle on 34th Street. I usually pop it on in the background when I’m wrapping. Either that or a cheesy Channel 5 movie; they’re so bad, they’re good!

Have you ever had a white Christmas? Yes! A long, long time ago now. I like the idea of snow but actually, I’d rather save it for New Year’s Eve when we tend to go skiing. Snow in England is just too much like hard work!

Where do you usually spend your holiday? Both our families live within fifteen minutes of us which means we spend most of our time driving between the two. We usually spend Christmas Eve at my parents, then split up for Christmas lunch and meet up again in the evening. This year we’ve decided to stay home Christmas Eve, visit the in-laws in the morning and over to my parents for lunch/the afternoon before back home in the night… it’s going to be exhausting! Next year we’re staying put and they can all come to us!!

What’s your favourite Christmas song? Fairytale of New York – it reminds me of my brother (who now lives in Australia) and the thrill we’d get from singing ‘you scum bag, you maggot, you cheap, lousy faggot’ right under my mum’s nose and she. couldn’t. tell. us. off. Hilarious.

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve? We’ve always had new pyjamas and a Christmas book, or in later years, DVD, that we’d open on Christmas Eve. Recently Christmas Eve boxes seem to be huge… who knew my mum was so ahead of the trend!?!

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen. Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.

Which holiday traditions are you looking forward to this year? The food! We always have the same foods every year – ham on the 24th, turkey on the 25th… Honestly, I’m looking forward to starting some traditions with our own little family; pj’s on Christmas Eve, presents in the morning, a christmas walk. I can’t wait!

Is your Christmas tree real or fake? Fake. I like the idea of a real tree but fake is sooo easy.

What is your all time favourite holiday treat/food/sweet? Roasted ham with a sugar and mustard glaze. I know it’s Christmas when I can smell that food!

Be honest, do you like giving or receiving gifts better? I genuinely enjoy buying gifts for people. I (obviously) like receiving them but hate the awkwardness of opening gifts in front of people. My poker face is AWFUL.

What is the best Christmas present you ever received? Is it bad that I can’t pick one? I have an awful memory. My favourite gifts are things that keep giving; things like tickets for concerts later in the year. My husband is awesome at buying tickets so we make a great pair!

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season? I like being at home for Christmas but if I could go away straight after then I’d always choose to go somewhere cold and snowy. We’ve been to Europe a lot skiing but I’d love to go to the USA and hole up in a chalet with my family and plenty of snow!

Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably? I’m a speed wrapper. I have no patience with it so my wrapping is proficient but not flouncy. This year I bought some ‘cute’ santa paper with glittery hats and noses. I will NEVER make that mistake again… our entire house is coated in red glitter and it’s not even Christmas Day yet! ARGH!

Most memorable Christmas moment? We always spent Christmas lunch with my mums side of the family and it tends to get pretty raucous. I’ve got some great memories of us standing on chairs, waving pretend flags and singing Les Miserables songs (outrageously middle class!) or another year covered in black marks from a burnt cork used to score our games. This year is the first year ever that we won’t be seeing them on Christmas Day and I’m genuinely quite heartbroken about it. Sometimes, growing up is hard!

What made you realise the truth about Santa? What truth? Although as an aside, I have a real dislike of the Father Christmases that pop up everywhere – some of the costumes are awful!

What makes the holidays special for you? Family time. There’s no other time that we’re all together, off work and aren’t dashing around busy. Enforced relaxation does it for me although I doubt there’ll be much of that this year with a baby on the loose!

christmas tree


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