Five Ways New Parents Can Find Support

Starting your life as a family and bringing a new baby into the world is exciting. But it can also be one of the most stressful times in your life. After all, there is so much more to worry about now, not just yourself; You are responsible for looking after a whole new little human being. It goes without saying you will need support during this time, and knowing how and where to get that support is vital to enable you to be the best parent you can be.

Your Parents

One of the best sources of support will always be your family and your parents, especially. They did you raise you! They will know how to help you in the best way and can be a sounding board if you need to talk. Plus, chances are they will want to be frequent visitors to see their new grandchild and family member, so they will be on hand to help you when you need it.

Your Health Visitor

Your health visitor will likely pay you multiple visits in the first few months after bringing your baby home. They are there to help you with any worries and concerns and should be one of your first ports of call for any advice, from medical care to the best way to swaddle your baby and even moving on to weaning and finding the proper pain relief for teething babies. They are experts in all things baby, and tapping into this can help you alleviate worries and concerns.


Should you have any medical concerns about your baby, your GP should be the first person you contact. Most GP surgeries will see babies as soon as possible or direct you to the nearest children’s emergency department if required so you can get the treatment you need. Always follow your instincts if you feel your baby is seriously unwell, and if you can’t get a GP appointment calling 111 will get you the proper medical advice.

Support Groups

Being a new parent can feel incredibly overwhelming and isolating at times. For these reasons finding the right support group can give you an outlet and see other parents in the same position. Talking it through with others going through the same things can be massively beneficial. Sharing tips and tricks and building relationships can also support your emotional and mental health.


Lean on your friends who are there to support you, and even better, if they are parents, they can be a source of knowledge for you to tap into. You aren’t expected to know everything, and you will pick things up as you go along, so having a friend you can share this with and talk to can be a great source of therapy and support when you need it.


There is always help available if you need it for a new parent. Struggling alone and not sharing your worries or issues can impact your quality of life and be detrimental to your well-being. Instead, find support in the suggestions above and help yourself get the advice and help you need.

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