Living Arrows 2019: Week Four

This week we’re back to normal. Well as normal as things can get! It’s all about getting ourselves organised and ready for the year ahead right now; booking in things to do, places to go and all the appointments that I always forget to sort! Thankfully we’ve had a lovely quiet weekend to give us time to do this, we managed a couple of walks (and by walks, I mean, carries!) in the wet and windy weather before returning home to light the fire and test out the new fire guard. I think it’s been one of my favourite times yet, one of those rare moments where everything aligns and you want to capture it forever; building Duplo with them in front of the fire in our pjs. A perfect five minutes… whilst it lasted!!  


Something fairly momentous for us happened this week… he had his first haircut! We’ve been toying with the idea for a while now, whilst we love his hair long (those baby curls!) it was starting to look more messy than cute. Every so often one of us would broach the subject of getting it cut until we finally agreed to take him the next time Dave went to get his done. Well, that time came and rather nervously we booked him in to go. We spent the days before talking about it and pretending to play hairdressers in the hopes that he’d sit calmly for it. We also told no-one! One of the worst things we’ve found is that EVERYONE has an opinion on whether or not we should cut it and what we should do, so we decided to keep things quiet until it was all done (and if it went awfully no-one need ever know!)

On the day, he was far too excited, in fact he cried when we said he couldn’t go the moment he woke up! We walked in, sat him down and he sat still as anything, occasionally turning round to flash Dave and I the biggest grin ever! I have no idea why it was emotional but it definitely had us welling up (and collecting bits of his hair to keep… we’ll regret that in a few years I’m sure!). Afterwards, he couldn’t stop talking about it as Dave had his hair cut. And I couldn’t stop staring at him. Sure, it’s still long and we’ll probably go shorter again next time but suddenly he seems even more grown up. These firsts are becoming few and far between now, terrifyingly I think the next one is school!!


Things have finally gotten back to normal and this one seems to be back to her happy ways. She seems to be in more of a routine with her sleep both during the day and at night, although I’d love it if she dropped a night feed or two! This weekend was a quiet one as far as she was concerned; we went on a couple of walks, played at home and that was about it! On Monday we ventured back to Baby Sensory classes where she had a great time dressing up for magic week. I’ll be honest, I was dubious about what she’d get out of going to any classes at her age but, having done them all the first time around, it only felt fair to try one or two with her. She may not grasp entirely what’s going on but for that hour it’s all about her enjoyment and only that. A focus that she doesn’t get very often.

With me returning to work shortly, we’ve only got a handful of classes left so we’ve taken the plunge and decided to start her on swimming lessons like her brother. Whenever we take her at the weekend she splashes around so happily so I’m hoping this child will be a water baby, unlike her brother who barely tolerates them! I can’t wait. It’s definitely harder with a second child to give them the one on one attention so it’ll be a lovely thing to continue once I’m back at work and our sacred time just us is over – I can’t believe how quickly that’s gone!

This post is linking up with the Living Arrows series over at What The RedHead Said. If you’d like to see more of our weekly updates, you can find them here! 


  • Stacie (@ParkerandMe) 29th January 2019 at 6:23 pm

    Love the top photo – it’s a really happy shot. I remember my boys first haircut, strange how it can get to you isn’t it?

    • DevonMamaOnline 2nd February 2019 at 10:37 am

      Really strange! I didn’t think I would mind at all but it felt like another step on the road to him growing up!

  • Tanita 29th January 2019 at 9:35 pm

    Aw the first haircut is such a pinnacle moment! Sounds perfect ,long wet walks and home to a cosy fire. What weekends and family days are for xx

    • DevonMamaOnline 30th January 2019 at 4:01 pm

      It really was! It just seems like another ‘grown up’ thing to be doing!

  • angiemwebster77 31st January 2019 at 6:47 am

    Windy wet walks are the best, all those puddles to splash in and coming home to a warm house is always nice. Your little boy did so well having his first haircut, it’s such a momentous moment x #livingarrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 2nd February 2019 at 10:36 am

      Getting home is the best bit I think! I have to say, I LOVE a wet walk, plus you feel super virtuous after! x

  • The Queen of Collage 1st February 2019 at 3:08 pm

    I understand the desire to do things with the second like you did the first. I didn’t take my second to the baby classes I did with my first as they stopped doing them. #LivingArrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 2nd February 2019 at 10:33 am

      I think more just to do SOMETHING with her that revolves around her rather than her brother! So often at this stage its all very toddler-centric!

  • Donna 2nd February 2019 at 4:33 pm

    I bet he looks so grown up with his hair cut – you’re right though, there is a fine line between cute and messy and that was the point we got Troy’s hair cut for the first time. I really miss all those baby classes – they seem like such a long time ago x

    • DevonMamaOnline 3rd February 2019 at 12:36 pm

      It seems like a long time ago from the first time around even, so I can’t imagine how it must feel once they’re at school!

  • Suburban Mum 6th February 2019 at 9:44 am

    Ahh the first haircut is such a memorable moment! He looks like he was very well behaved for it too – you still have plenty of firsts to come so don’t worry! #LivingArrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 6th February 2019 at 10:26 am

      He was so good for it, I think the mountains of Milky Buttons helped as did the promise of a toy at the end!

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