As I write this I can’t quite believe that the next Living Arrows post I do will go live on my baby’s first birthday. I don’t want to sound like a stereotypical parent, oh sod it, I do… where did the time go?! This week will entirely be spent sobbing into my baby’s hair (I refuse to call him a toddler just yet!) and hiding in a corner refusing to acknowledge the passing of time. Clearly I have issues.
It feels like every week I talk about huge changes and milestones and this week is no different, we kicked off the week with buying his first pair of big boy shoes. Since then have spent every moment using them outside! A big change has kicked off at our house and we’ve got the builders on site. It’s meant that although I have to spend my home days studiously avoiding the topless youths in the garden, I no longer have to entertain my child (or the dog for that matter). Instead he spends his time peering out of the catflap at them or banging on the patio doors until they wave back at him. It’s good for him to have a hobby, right?
This weekend we visited Pecorama; a local attraction based around model trains. We rode the train for the first time (his face said he was unimpressed), attacked the soft play and explored the gardens. For a little person, he has very little fear. He’s quite happy to toddle around without a backward glance for us, especially if there are bigger children to stare at! This photo is my favourite of the day, my little explorer in the play park we had to ourselves.
What is Living Arrows?
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
Living Arrows is the brainchild of Donna at What the Redhead Said. Each week, you capturing your memory of the week in a moment in time and share it with the world. You can follow our journey over the next year by subscribing below or by clicking here!
That first year passes in the blink of eye doesn’t it ! Loving his big boy shoes, there’s no stopping him now. #LivingArrows
It’s gone SO quickly and yet I can’t imagine life without him these days! Definitely no stopping him, although they have slowed him down momentarily while he adjusts (thank goodness!!)
Ooh big boy shoes are such a big milestone! The years do fly by so, so quickly.. there’s still so much exciting stuff to come though! xx
I know, I both LOVE him changing and growing up but also hate it!! He loves them, it’s so funny watching him try and master the slightly bigger feet he’s got with them on!
I forever find myself saying, “Where did the time go?” Don’t think I quite appreciated just how quickly time passes until I had children!
Hope your little one has a lovely first birthday x
Ahhh thank you, I know, do they hit a fast forward button when they pop out?! It’s crazy!
I love how confident he has got since he started nursery! BYAZZZZZ Mum and Dad, thanks for the car ride, I’m off to explore!
I can’t yet imagine how you feel about him turning one, Dev. He’s not even mine and I look at these pictures of him wondering how he got so grown up already. Doesn’t seem like five minutes ago we were discussing the start of the weaning process. MADNESS.
I can’t wait to see what you guys get up to next week, oh and can we have a Grand Designs style post on the house please, so nosy
Ahhh I know!!!! I feel the same about RLT, honestly what happened to these boys?! I’ve planned to make a cake but god only knows what that will turn out like! Will definitely take some house photos, so far it’s 90% mud… yay! x
We’ve just had to get Isla her first pair of shoes too! Can they stop growing up please?
I’d love to see a photo of your little one peering out the catflap!
I’ll take one, he’s obsessed! That and the patio doors, I’ve tried shutting the curtains so both us and builders can studiously ignore each other but it just eggs him on! Why do they grow so quickly?!?!
Noooooo – he can’t be one already?!?!?! Do they not realise that growing up this quick has us terrified! He’s looking gorgeous as usual though #livingarrows
I know!!!! Genuinely WHERE DOES TIME GO?!!?! I’m starting to think this one is faulty and is growing up far too fast! Thanks lovely x
Having builders around is great for entertaining kids, the same as being on a farm! We’ve been to Pecorama too – great seeing all the trains, and fab playground. #livingarrows
Maybe we need to move to a farm once the builders have left… it’s worth it for the cheap entertainment!!
Pecorama sounds awesome and something Troy would love – he adores trains! That first year just goes so quickly doesn’t it?! x
It’s lovely! A nice old-fashioned style day out!
I’ll let you in on a secret: It won’t get any better! Amy has just turned 6 and I don’t know what it was but it felt like a massive milestone to me. Probably, because they start school aged 6 here in Germany.
Your little man looks adorable in his little outfit. I hope you have a magical day for his birthday x #livingarrows
Oh no!! I can’t cope with this for the rest of my life! Eeek I hope school goes well. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Aww, he’s so cute – I hate to say it but he looks older than one already! Maybe it’s because neither of mine walked until they were 15 months so I always think walking babies look older
WAhhhh don’t say that about my baby, I want to keep him tiny FOREVER!! x
My littlest has recently started wearing shoes and walking. It really does make them grow up all of a sudden. What a sweet boy. I had to laugh about ‘topless youths’, I find things like that so awkward! #LivingArrows
So much more grown up! It’s amazing and horrible at the same time! Oh god the topless youths… I genuinely don’t know where to look. I’ve never felt like more of a mum in my life, my husband wanted me to offer them suncream one day because he was worried about them burning!