How To Make Your Bathroom Look Bigger (Even When It’s Not!)

Let’s face it, we can’t all be blessed with a huge mansion that has seven bedrooms, two kitchens, four bathrooms (not including the en-suites), oh, and a pool. Some of us aren’t graced with this luxury, and you know what? That’s okay. Life isn’t about having the most money and showing it all off over their social media. There’s so much more to life than that. Like actually being happy and having a family to share that happiness with and make fun, new experiences together. This is what people should be looking for!

Houses come in all different shapes and sizes, and as long as they are able to give you what you need, like safety and comfort, then that’s all that matters! There are a lot of things in life that we aren’t able to control, but one thing that we can control, is how we choose to decorate our homes. We’re the ones that fill it with life and beauty and personality, and that in itself is pretty cool. So rather than focusing on the negatives, focus your energy on the things that you do have a say over, like whether that rug should go in the middle of the room or in the corner.

Bathrooms are one thing in a home that are always so underrated, and they shouldn’t be because we get so much use out of them, and they can even be our secret haven to unwind in after a long day at work with some candles and a hot bubble bath to drown the sorrows away. But a lot of people think that there’s no point trying to make them look nice because they’re either too dull looking to begin with so people assume it’ll be far too much work. Or they’re small, and people think there’s nothing that you can do to change the vibe since there’s not that much space to work with. Well – this is incorrect. No matter what size bathroom you have, there are still things that you can do to make it better, you just have to be a little more clever with your options.

Believe it or not, if you do all the right little things, you can make your bathroom appear a lot bigger than it actually is, and you don’t even need to spend a lot of money doing so. Even if it’s a bathroom for the whole family, you can still make it a wonderful space. It’s mostly just luck and a little creativity. Here are some ideas for you to think about…


Mirrors are not only a necessity when it comes to your bathroom accessories, but they’re also a brilliant illusion too. People use mirrors by strategically placing them in areas where the light hits, because that same light will then bounce off the mirror and reflect in a different direction, thus making the space look even bigger. Depending on your bathroom will determine where the best place for the mirror to go is, but ideally it will be facing towards the window, as that is where the natural light will be coming through. There are so many different kinds of mirrors around too, so you don’t have to keep your boring old one. Have a look at sites and look at the variety that they have on offer for you. You can modernise the entire room just by the mirror you go for, so take it seriously and have a real think about the look that you’re going for. Bear in mind it may be the place where you do your makeup too, so lights always help.


If you have a lot of dark tones in your bathroom, then this is where you’re most likely going wrong. Dark colours will close up any space, even when it’s a rather big one. Whereas light and bright colours will make it appear a lot more open. So you have to think about this when you come up with a colour scheme for your bathroom. This doesn’t mean that you can only go with the colour white – it just means that you need to lighten everything up a little more. There are still many lovely colours out there, like light mochas, greys, and even light olive greens. This still allows you to add in your own personality, but it sorts out the space of your room too. If ever you did want to go for a bold and dramatic look, then use the decor as your release instead. Take the colour red for example, you can add bursts of this throughout, be it through the candle holders you buy, the cabinet handles, or even the toothbrush holder.


One of the most obvious reasons for your bathroom to shrink, is by the things that you have inside of it. How can you expect a room to look big and spacious if you have clutter lying around everywhere? Yes, clutter can creep up at you and before you know it there is masses of mess on the countertops, but as long as you pay attention to what you’re doing, and make sure you put things back where they belong – there is no excuse. If you tend to use the bathroom to get ready when you go out, so you’re used to having hair appliances, brushes, and makeup lying around – assign a place for them all to go neatly like explains. This can be draws or cabinets, but make it so you have structure and a home for everything, even those little bits of nothing that you hold onto without any specific reason. That way you get into the routine of putting things back.


Now you have a few ideas, take a look at your own bathroom and see how you can implement these ideas into your own space. Some things will certainly work better than others depending on your circumstances, so have a play around and see what you’re able to come up with.

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