Say Cheese! Should You Get Professional Baby Photos?

When was the last time you took a photo? Struggle to remember something? Just snap a photo to remind yourself. Snap the sunset. Snap the baby laughing. Snap that slice of cake. Everyone and anyone is doing it. Chuck a decent filter on it and it’s instant Instagram gold. Once confined to special occasions, the rise of the smart phone has made daily photography commonplace.  

But are those photos enough? Should you pay a photographer for professional photos for the very special bits? Get a beautifully made baby album? The chances are you probably paid someone to capture your wedding. Sure, you might be able to get an excellent shot but are they as good as a pro would get? Will they stand the same test of time?

Prior to having a baby I would have been one of those people who thought I could do the job. I had a pro take my wedding shots but that was it. Why would I pay for photos of my baby? I was perfectly capable. But the nearer it got, the more I fancied booking a newborn shoot.


Why? I could take a good photo but I couldn’t get the same quality of image. I just don’t have the same level of equipment that a professional has – the lighting, the lenses, the editing process. I could research how to pose my child to get the ‘best’ shot but I wasn’t confident in handling a small baby; I couldn’t merge photos to create composite images – I would have been there trying to bend my baby into positions that they just couldn’t manage. I could set aside the time to do it but in amongst the newborn blur, would I? Would I be able to find the time to set-up, take and edit images when I could be feeding/cleaning/sleeping/surviving?! Probably not.

Whilst we mention that blur, would I remember amongst all of that survival exactly how tiny he was? How his entire body was still in a state of flux by unfurling? The expressions that fleeted past as he slept? As Roger Kingston said ‘The camera is a save button for the mind’s eye’. Thats what I needed. A pause button. A chance to hit Ctrl+S.


So, at exactly a week old we trundled off to a newborn photographer. Terrified at our first jaunt out for longer than 30 minutes with ‘the baby’, we arrived sweaty, nervous and panicky about what was to come. Here was where the photoshoot came into its own. Our photographer was used to babies. She was better at handling him than we were.

She took him, calmed him, shushed him and got him quickly off to sleep. She gently helped guide him into positions with my husband providing a steadying hand which she would later (seamlessly) edit out. She was patient, understanding and put us at ease, to the point that she was the first person, outside of family, that I breast-fed in front of. There wasn’t an option. She made it seem normal (which in retrospect it is but at the time it was a HUGE mental battle for me!). Yes, it cost us to do it but it felt special, just like our baby.

pro-shot-1A week later we got the proofs through. And in that moment I knew that it was worth the cost, the time and the prior terror. Without a doubt one of the best investments we’d gotten for our newborn. A perfect, timeless reminder of that magical period where your newborn is still unfurling far better than anything I could ever have achieved. And now, when I look at them, I remember all of those feelings, those emotions and those little things like how he used to knit his hands together, how much hair he had, how he frowned in his sleep.

So, should you get professional photos of your newborn?

If you can, there really is no better momento.

Did you get pro shots?  Would you in future?  What did you think?


  • Angela Watling 14th November 2016 at 9:13 pm

    Such beautiful photographs! We never got professional photos done. My husband didn’t want to and I wasn’t sure. We have some lovely shots of our daughter but I do regret not doing something professional. If we ever have a second I would be tempted to get a professional shoot with my daughter too. Thanks for sharing your experience. I hadn’t really appreciated the skills baby photographers have beyond just taking the pics! #MarvMondays

    • DevonMamaOnline 14th November 2016 at 9:21 pm

      Thank you – these are just a couple of my favourites, there are some really gorgeous ones! I hadn’t appreciated it either until there, we were so unsure but now I’ve done it, I would recommend it over and over. Definitely not cheap but we have a beautiful album and photos of such a fleeting time! Thanks for stopping by x

  • Poppy Reflects 14th November 2016 at 9:25 pm

    For these photos I would say it is well worth it! These photos are gorgeous, beautiful baby. I was just saying to my husband yesterday that I didn’t see the point previously with our daughter as a baby but would love one for our new baby boy when he is born. x #MarvMondays

    • DevonMamaOnline 14th November 2016 at 10:13 pm

      Ah thank you!! I was so adamant that we shouldn’t prior to falling pregnant but slowly changed my mind and I’m so glad we did! I would definitely recommend, it’s worth finding a decent photographer too as it’s important you feel comfortable! Thanks for stopping by. x

  • Richard Willis 18th November 2016 at 1:04 pm

    It feels warm to see photos of a baby with his/her father. You do good in photography,nice shots!

    • DevonMamaOnline 20th November 2016 at 8:43 pm

      Thank you! We’re very happy with them, thanks for reading x

  • Something About Baby 18th November 2016 at 7:16 pm

    These are such beautiful photos! We had a newborn shoot for Alfie but unfortunately I was really disappointed with the photos I received. However, I would still do it again but I would just do a bit more research and realise that you get what you pay for!! #MarvMondays

    • DevonMamaOnline 20th November 2016 at 9:00 pm

      Oh no, what a shame! I would agree, you definitely have different levels of photographer and I think it’s worth the investment now. Thanks for reading x

  • Emily 19th November 2016 at 12:31 am

    Oh my goodness these photos are beautiful. I so regret not getting any ???? Emily / Babies & Beauty / #marvmondays

    • DevonMamaOnline 20th November 2016 at 8:59 pm

      I would DEFINITELY recommend it now – I love looking at them and remembering how teeny he was! Thanks for stopping by x

  • Liane 19th November 2016 at 1:05 pm

    Oh goodness! Such beautiful photos. What an amazing momento to have! #MarvMondays

    • DevonMamaOnline 20th November 2016 at 8:42 pm

      Thank you, we love them!! Thanks for reading x

  • My Petit Canard 20th November 2016 at 12:40 am

    Beautiful shots of your little guy. We had professional newborn shoots for both of our little ones and I do think it is money well spent. Sure we have a million photos that we’ve taken of them since on our iphones, but often we are behind the camera and not in front of them, and for that alone I think they are worth it 🙂 Thanks for sharing this on #MarvMondays. Emily

    • DevonMamaOnline 20th November 2016 at 8:40 pm

      Me too, I was really unsure at the time but the minute we saw the photos I was completely sold… I could never do photos like that at home!! Thanks for reading xx

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