I think every parent dreams of the day they have a playroom. A place to stash the mini mountains of toys and ‘bits’ that come with children. A room to shut the door on and give us adults the illusion of a calm and neutral home. As part of our building plans, we’ve re-purposed what was the dining room into a child zone. And just like that, it’s time to create a playroom. I want a room that’s fun but tasteful, child friendly without being over the top. It has to be engaging, timeless and in keeping with the rest of our home. So far we’ve painted it an off-white colour but we’re yet to put any personality in. Here’s just a taste of what I’m thinking…
Soft Furnishings
The room is dominated by a large window so it’s important that we choose the right curtains to dress it. There’s a chance we’ll put a sofa bed in there at some point in the future so I want curtains that aren’t too childish. I love the Scion range, particularly the fox print. It’s in-keeping with our animal theme in his bedroom without feeling too young and gaudy. Whilst I’m always partial to a grey palate, I prefer the mustard set for this room. It’s a great way to bring in some colour in to the room in a subtle way.

Books are big news in our household, it’s about the only time my son sits still. I want to create a comfy zone where he can sit and read (or avidly page turn, as is his way!) as well as a space that we can read to him in. Ideally I want to have a kids armchair when he’s a bit older but I think a softer seat may be more useful at this stage. My favourite is this elephant ottoman from Lovethesign, not only is it perfect for lounging against, it’s also bound to encourage imaginative play.
Table & Chairs
We want a small table and chairs as our son grows older; a space for drawing, art work and maybe even a meal or two. This simple play table with colour dipped legs and accompanying play stools is a stylish addition to any room, I’d go for the mint table accompanied by white stools to introduce a different colour into the mix.
Every parent knows that storage is essential, especially when it comes to toddlers and toys. Out of practicality, I’m leaning toward putting in a grid-style shelving unit and fitting it with pull out boxes. That way we avoid an avalanche of toys at any one time and everything is easily accessible for little hands. There are so many options out there, we’ll probably just go with the Kallax range from Ikea. It’s so affordable, it won’t matter if it’s abused by a toddler day in, day out. I’ll be resting ours so that it sits four wide and two high, that way it reduces any risk of it toppling over as well.

I want to have the books out on display; I’m a firm believer that it encourages reading as well as providing an ever-changing art display! This gallery style book rack fits the bill perfectly, with it’s three shelves and cross bars to ensure that nothing escapes. I really like the idea of interspersing the books with a couple of soft toys as well, it makes it even more inviting.
By the time we add in the toys, the huge amount of Jellycat stuffed animals we have and the piano (did I mention we have to find a spot for the piano to go in?!) there’s going to be just enough room for playing! At some point I want to look at artwork for the walls but I like to pick that up as and when we find it. Either way, I’m excited, we’ll have a pretty awesome playroom! Actually, I’m a little jealous of it. Perhaps I could steal it and let the toddler run wild in the kitchen instead…
How big is the piano? Like an adult sized one or a little man sized one?!
It’s an adult sized one (it’s mine, not his!) which makes it very hard to hide in the house. That’s why it’s ended up in the playroom!