Pregnancy Calendar - Week Twenty

So You’re Pregnant: Week Twenty

Use our pregnancy calendar to see what’s happening in your pregnancy each week.

It’s the halfway point and time to see your little one’s progress. Here’s what you can expect from week twenty of your pregnancy.

Your Baby:

Is about 25cm long from their head to their toes

Will start to weigh more than their placenta from now on


Have reached the halfway point of your pregnancy!

Can find out if you’re having a boy or a girl at your anatomy scan this week

Week Twenty

Yay for week twenty! Not only does this week mark the halfway point for an average pregnancy (don’t forget, there’s no hard and fast rule about it being a 40 week gestation unfortunately…), it’s also a chance for you to see your little one again at your anatomy scan. For most people this is the second, and final, time you’ll see your baby before they make their way into the world so make the most of it.

This scan has a very different feel to the one that you’ll have had at the end of your first trimester. For starters, your baby will have grown to a point that they no longer look like a stereotypical ‘baby scan’ image and you’ll see bits of them on the screen at different times. Secondly, this is when the sonographer will check your baby’s anatomy for any anomalies. It can make it feel a lot more medical than the first scan as they’ll take plenty of measurements, check the blood flow in and out of the heart and make sure everything has developed as it should, including checking the location of your placenta. It’s incredible to watch but can also be a little unnerving. Should there be any concerns, you may be referred to a specialist or consultant in order to get a better understanding of what will happen next.

It’s also at this scan that you can normally find out whether you’re having a boy or girl. Some hospital trusts don’t allow this so if you’re really eager to find out, you can do so via a private scan. For those that do offer it, be sure to let the sonographer know as soon as possible whether or not you wish to find out so that they can do their best to either make things visible or avoid those areas!

Other fun things this week: I have nothing. Seeing your baby on the screen is so exciting/overwhelming/nerve wracking that there’s no time to focus on anything else!

Missed a week? Catch up on week nineteen

Fancy sneaking ahead? Here’s week twenty one


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