The First Snow – Snow Days 2018

I failed a bit last week when we had snow. For the first time in years we had enough to make it a proper snow day and I let myself down… I failed to put proof of it on here. And as we all know, if it’s not online, did it really happen?! Given that it’s snowing again as I write this (oh god, I can’t do another week of empty Tesco shelves), I thought I’d leap on and share our recent snowy adventures.

Wellies in the snow

Father son in snow day 2018

Those first few hours were filled with disbelief followed by worry about how Dave was going to get back from London (who goes on a training course when there’s a red weather warning?) followed by a sense of mild euphoria when he burst through the door eventually. With our offices closed the next day it meant a snow day for all involved, yay!

Unfortunately we discovered a couple of things; firstly, we have a toddler who dislikes the cold. Secondly, snow in minus temperatures turns to snow with a thick crusting of ice making it terrifying to walk on. Our romantic notions of going for a walk around the village quickly turned to ten minutes of sheer fear as we attempted to juggle a small slippery boy, an over-enthusiastic dog and a pregnant woman across our death pit of a drive and up the ice-rink of a road.

Snow Day 2018

Snow Day 2018

With frozen toes and a sense of sheer joy to have made it back to the house without any broken bones, we spent the rest of the day staring out of the window at it before venturing out at bedtime to attempt to make a snowman; after all, that’s just what you do with snow isn’t it?! As the light faded and bedtime passed, we found a joy in snow times… even if it did result in a rather questionable looking snowman (heap).

It’s funny how you can go from loving the snow to wanting it gone within 24 hours. With our snowy adventures most definitely done we were ready to get back to reality the next day. Cabin fever well and truly set in and by the time things returned to normal, we were firm believers that snow should be kept for winter holidays rather than the back lanes of Devon where we’re woefully unprepared.

So, as the snow falls for a second time in just a few short weeks, you’ll forgive me for cursing it and wishing instead we were holidaying in the Swiss Alps with log fires, sledges and nowhere to be but there… maybe next year!

Our snowman attempt this time round…

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