To Stay In or Go Out?

Ahh Spring, it’s the season full of hope and promise isn’t it? That and the fact it includes multiple bank holidays and plenty of chocolate make it one of my favourite seasons, even if it is one of the most confusing. What will the weather be like? Are we going to be taunted by the sun? Why goes it look so warm but feel so cold? I become obsessed with trying to juggle my love of snuggling up in the warm with the urge to get outside again. So when Chill Insurance asked if I’d watch their video and let them know my preference; staying in or going out, I was genuinely a little torn. Like the weather outside, I’m just as confused…

Count me in.

In my heart I will always be a home bird. I love nights in with family or friends, or even just me, sat on the sofa, pyjamas on and an evening filled with the promise of bad American TV shows to get me through. It’s a guilty pleasure I don’t even feel guilty for! Anyone who knows me will vouch for my love of board games; I’ve been known to ferry bags of them around with me on holidays, to friends house, even keep them in the car just in case. As far as I’m concerned there’s nothing better than a night in with great company and plenty of friendly competition.

Our evenings have always been spent in that way. We live in a rural area, we have a small child, we’re usually in bed by ten… all factors in persuading us that a night in is more fun than a night out. Especially when thinking about the fact that we’ll probably be up in the night. A lot. And no one wants to deal with a ten month old when an adult headache is on the loose.

To stay in or go out?

Count me out.

But the days are a different story. With a new season comes a new urge to explore. To take our newly grown family to all the places that we explored as children. To pack up a picnic (albeit a dodgy one), chuck half of our belongings in the car and drive to the nearest National Trust place or local beach for a ‘bit of fresh air’ – the perfect cure all for those clingy Winter colds or just blowing away the cobwebs. We’ve missed exploring over the past few months, it’s not practical always to head out in bad weather or the freezing cold, especially with a little one. Lets face it, everything is more fun in the sun!

To stay in or go out?

That’s not to say we don’t want to be at home. I’ve spoken before about our desire to do up our house and that’ll be the big project for this year. It’s not the first time we’ve renovated a house on a large scale but we’re both more than a little nervous this time. For starters, we’ve got a baby to consider in amongst the dust, mess and general madness. That and our last renovations saw us return home one morning to an entirely flooded downstairs… time to make sure our home insurance is up to date!

What about you? Are you staying in or heading out this Spring?

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  • Nicola 14th March 2017 at 7:36 am

    I’m definitely one for rating in – day and night! It’s a bone of contention with Neil and I. He likes being out and about during the day whereas I’d rather stay in as a family. Before baby, I’d want to be out all night while he wanted to stay in. At least we now finally agree on staying in during the evenings!

    • DevonMamaOnline 15th March 2017 at 7:44 am

      Dave would ALWAYS rather be outside than inside in the day, when he drags me out I love it but I still prefer the idea of staying in most days… I have visions of it being lovely and cosy and relaxing but now it’s mostly just me being bullied by a baby.

  • Amy @ The Smallest Of Things 14th March 2017 at 9:57 am

    Definitely heading out 🙂 when its warmer we try to get out as much as possible. But when it comes to evenings I’m staying in 😉 I’m too old for those shenanigans now! ox

  • Lyndsey O'Halloran 14th March 2017 at 10:14 am

    I think Erin and I will be out and about a lot this year

  • Amy Fox 14th March 2017 at 10:28 am

    Oh I’m in an In girl too! Give me a takeaway and a glass of wine under the duvet watching a film any day! x

  • Abi - Something About Baby 14th March 2017 at 10:52 am

    I’m one of these people that plans a night out but then actually dreads going – however, once I’m out I have a great time! I’m definitely a home bird though and prefer a night in with a bottle of wine any day! Definitely enjoy getting out during the day though

    • DevonMamaOnline 15th March 2017 at 7:43 am

      Snap – isn’t the idea of going out lovely?! And yet when it gets to it I can never get motivated, then love it when I’m there! Oh the emotional rollercoaster of having fun!

  • Jaymee -The Mum Diaries 14th March 2017 at 12:52 pm

    I am an in girl! I love nothing more than spending my evenings on the sofa cuddled up with my family watching a movie!

  • Mummy Times Two 14th March 2017 at 7:46 pm

    I am such a ditherer, I have no idea which I prefer. I guess for me it probably just depends on the individual day and how I feel.

    • DevonMamaOnline 15th March 2017 at 7:42 am

      Ha! I have days like that, I’m a very weather dependent kinda girl!

  • Lindsey 15th March 2017 at 8:55 am

    If it’s too cold, then nothing like staying wrapped up in our pjs baking cakes and biscuits and watching a movie. But saying that we do try to venture out regardless of the weather x

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