Ten Reasons To Be Happy

Did you know that there’s an International Day of Happiness? Neither did I until the lovely Lucy at Real Mum Reviews told me! It falls on the 20th March each year but why limit celebrating happiness to just then? Why not celebrate it every day? Perhaps even celebrate it right now? Oh go on then! Here are ten reasons I have to be happy…

10 Reasons To Be Happy

1. I woke up this morning to the sound of my little boy playing in his cot. We’ve really struggled with getting his sleep right and we’ve finally cracked sleeping at night, even if he doesn’t go straight through yet. There’s no nicer sound than waking up to hear him talking to himself and knocking his robot toy around. It’s topped only by the look on his face when I go in to get him!

2. We’re about to start building work on our house. We’ve lived here for the last 18 months and we’ve been stuck in a bit of a holding position. We finally bit the bullet, found a builder and saved up enough pennies to make it happen. I’m not happy about the fact we’ll be living on a building site for the next few months but I’m pretty ecstatic that we’ll finally have a new kitchen and I’m far too excited about having a porch!

10 Reasons To Be Happy

3. My son is developing perfectly. He’s happy, smart and sociable. He loves nursery (thank goodness, it makes working easier) and is in to everything. He’s so nosy it hurts! It’s a cliche to say that you just hope they’re healthy but it’s true, a healthy, happy baby is perfection.

4. It’s only a couple of months until we’re off to Antigua. It’s my Dad’s 60th this year and to celebrate he’s taking us all away for ten days. We went away before when our little boy was just a few months old, I can’t wait to see him enjoying the pool and being spoilt by his aunts and uncles. I’m even pretty chilled about flying with a baby, we’re going business class this time, woohoo!

5. I have a pretty awesome husband. Yes, he drives me completely mad at times and is quite possibly the most infuriating person on the planet but he’s mine. He makes me laugh every day, even if often it’s at him rather than with him. Being able to make him a dad and watching him take on that responsibility and completely thrive at it is one of the biggest happiness providers in my life.

Sunshine Blogger Awards - Our Wedding Day

6. I’ve found a new passion in blogging. It’s helped me meet some new friends and become part of a new community. It’s also given me a bit of ‘me’ space. It may not be huge, it may not be perfect but it’s mine and I’m proud of what I’m achieving with it.

7. I’ve got a job that I enjoy. My role is a constant challenge for me and whilst there are definite downsides to going back to work part-time, there are also huge bonuses to it. I’m able to retain a bit of pre-baby me, do something that I’m good at and interact with others. I love being a mum but being a working mum makes me happy, even if sometimes it also makes me a little sad too! Oh and sometimes I get to take this assistant in with me… the snot bag!

10 Reasons To Be Happy

8. I’m finally getting back to being fitter and healthier. I joined Slimming World in January and have managed to lose just under 20lbs. It’s such a relief to be more focused on taking care of myself again, I can feel my confidence returning and my happiness levels increasing. It’s one of the things I found hardest when becoming a mum; that huge confidence slide so the fact that I’m finally starting to feel like my old self makes me very happy indeed.

9. I have a great group of mum friends! I love my ladies (and the gents as well), they’re from all different parts of my life and get me through the week in style. If there was one downside it’s that the week just goes too quickly and there’s not enough time to see everyone. The best bit is seeing those with babies a similar age to my own, I get to see my friends and watch the little ones interact with one another, win win!

10. I’m here. I’ve got my family. I’ve got my friends. I’ve got my baby. If I didn’t have anything else in the world, I’d still be pretty smug about having all of that. What else can you possibly need to make you happy?

Perhaps you ladies would like to share…

Becka at Mummy Est. 2014

Anita at The House That Never Rests

Lisa at Mummy Gummie

Naomi at Not A Perfect Parent

Emma at Ready Freddie Go

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Ten Reasons To Be Happy (1)


  • Nicola 7th April 2017 at 8:49 am

    Wow! What an achievement losing 20lbs since Jan. That’s incredible, well done. You have got so much to be happy about. Particularly jealous of your trip to Antigua! Can’t wait to see the photos.

  • The Amphletts 7th April 2017 at 5:37 pm

    Ten amazing reasons…obviously a little someone is starting at the family busy early! Such a cutie x

  • Isabella 8th April 2017 at 9:11 am

    I never this either until I went to work in Dubai, they’re hugely into it and employees get gifts. Love your 10 reasons. Your baby boy is gorgeous x

  • Lindsey 9th April 2017 at 11:55 am

    What fabulous reasons to b happy, and Antingua, sounds amazing have fun and Happy 60th too your dad x

  • David Elliott 10th April 2017 at 12:42 am

    Sounds like you are in a pretty good spot right now. I hope I find some local blogging friends myself.

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