The Struggles of Working from Home: Tips to Survive and Thrive

Working from home can be a dream come true for some people and a total nightmare for others. The freedom to work in your pyjamas is great, but the lack of structure and isolation can be tough to deal with. If you’re struggling to make it work, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips to help you survive and thrive while working from home.

Biggest Challenges 

When you work in an office, inevitable distractions can get in your way. Some of these include co-workers interrupting you throughout the day, having to take coffee breaks or lunch breaks at a set time each day (even if it’s not convenient), commuting long distances every morning and evening rush hour traffic jams on your way back home. Working remotely means all those things go away – no more meetings or conference calls when they’re not necessary. But this also means less structure to keep yourself focused and productive while still doing what needs to be done before clocking out for good. So how do we overcome some of these issues? By setting up a routine that works for us and being mindful of our own productivity levels.

Set a Routine That Works For You

One way to create a routine is to start off your day with some structure. Get dressed as if you were going into an office – even if you’re just going to stay in your home office all day. This will help you mentally prepare yourself for the workday ahead. Another suggestion is to take breaks at regular intervals – even if it’s just stepping away from your desk for five minutes every hour or two. And finally, make sure you’re staying focused and productive by setting goals for each day (and week) and keeping track of what you’ve accomplished. This can be done in various ways, such as using a to-do list or keeping a journal of your workday.

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

If you’re finding it challenging to stay focused while working from home, there are a few things you can do. One is to find an accountability partner – someone who will check in with you regularly and make sure you’re staying on track. You can also try working in short bursts instead of hours at a time, or setting specific deadlines for yourself and then taking breaks afterwards. Finally, make sure your workspace is organized and comfortable so that you’re not fighting against distractions every step of the way.

You are Not Alone 

One of the biggest dangers of working from home is the feeling of isolation. The best way to combat this is by scheduling regular breaks throughout your day and making sure you take them. Whether it’s a quick walk outside (if safe) or just talking with someone on the phone while they’re out running errands – get up every so often to stretch your legs, clear your mind and keep yourself accountable. Another great idea would be starting a virtual co-working group where everyone can share tips and tricks that have helped them stay productive when working remotely.

Really a Perfect Fit?

You may find that some people thrive in an isolated environment without any distractions around them, but others need some human interaction throughout their day to stay focused. If you’re in the latter group, working remotely might not be right for you – and that’s OK! You can always go back into an office setting or find a hybrid job where part of your work is done from home while other parts are done on-site with co-workers nearby.

Make a Go-to Folder

While working in an office, you were not only spoiled with human interaction but also quick “help me” assistance. This can be from your superiors to the IT department. A great way to help you with this gap is with programs like Teams – quick call or message sent between yourself and all your fellow co-workers and superiors. If you have a spare minute or two during your day, start Googling common how-to fix-it guides for your tech and put them in a go-to folder. This will come in handy, especially if your mac microphone not working

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