Why 2020 Should Be The Year About You!

With little ones in tow, us Mums can often forget to care about themselves. However, in 2020, it’s time that we take back some time. Family life can be busy, with school runs, after school activities, playtime, and all the rest, but how often do we take some time out for us? Whether you’re a bath person, like to read a book or enjoy taking care of your physical health, here are some ways that you can make 2020 more about you.

Why is self-care so important?

In a world where we all never stop; where living is so fast paced; it’s often crucial to take a step back and just breath. Not only for your mental health – taking time out for yourself can help your relationships, both romantic and platonic, help your mind to rest and really home in on how you are feeling. 

Do something that you love

Do you have a hobby you love? Maybe you love painting, writing poems, baking or creating your own woollen throws. Whatever your hobby may be, try and take some time out of your week to get back into the thing you love. Oh, and if you love spending time on girly lunch dates or going to your local cocktail bar with your friends, don’t neglect that. That equally counts as self-care!

Carve out time for yourself – and keep it

To turn a one-time-thing into an actual habit, you need to do it consistently. With that in mind, make sure you set aside some time in your day or each week which is solely dedicated to you. Whether it’s an hour each day for you to do something you love, or one entire afternoon every Thursday, work out what you can spare and make sure you stick to it.

Look after your body

I’m not talking just heading to the gym or taking your little one out for a walk. I mean really look after your body. Listen to what it needs. If it needs nourishing with healthy foods then give yourself some. If you’re dying to get your hair done or go and grab a manicure, then go get it done! Perhaps you wear glasses every day and have been looking into getting laser eye surgery? Why not treat yourself! Looking after your body, as well as your mind and soul, is incredibly important. 

This year (and beyond), create some time for you, put yourself first more than you have been doing, and I’m sure you’ll see the benefits! 

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