Why Natural Light Isn’t All Good 

We’re often told – and you’ll probably have heard this yourself – that letting in as much natural light to our homes as possible is a good thing to do and really should be a priority, and although there is some merit to that, it’s not one hundred percent accurate. Yes, natural light is certainly good for you, and it can make a home feel comfortable and cosy, but it has its downsides as well, and it’s worth knowing what they are so you can let in just the right amount, and not too much (or too little, come to that). With that in mind, keep reading to find out more. 

UV Radiation 

One of the biggest problems is that natural light contains ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and if you’re bringing the light into your home, you’re bringing the radiation in too, which isn’t a good thing to do. UV rays can cause a lot of damage over time, fading your furniture, carpets, artwork, and anything else it touches, and the bright, beautiful colours you once loved will disappear. That means costly replacements or repair, and sometimes even that’s not possible so you’ll either have to live with the damage or throw the item out altogether. 

Then, of course, there’s the health issue to consider. Prolonged exposure to UV can be harmful to your skin and actually increase the chances of skin cancer – even when you’re in your own home. The best thing to do is install some good Roman blinds to help block out the sun, and if you do still want natural light to come in, then it’s wise to rearrange your furniture so it doesn’t fade. 

Excessive Heat

Another problem with natural light is the heat that it’s going to bring with it – during hot summer months, sunlight can quickly raise the indoor temperature of your home, which makes it uncomfortable rather than pleasant. If you’ve got air conditioning, you’ll need to turn it on more of the time, which is going to use a lot of energy and put your bills up at the same time, so it’s not a good thing to do, but if the alternative is to suffer in the heat because of the natural light streaming into your home, you don’t have a lot of choice. 

Heat isn’t the only problem either; too much natural light leads to glare, which makes using screens tricky – you might not be able to work very easily, and when it comes to downtime, watching TV might be impossible. Once again, blinds and curtains are a good choice, as they’ll help to keep your home cooler and you’ll be able to see more easily. 


Finally, if you’re trying to get as much natural light into your home as possible, you might invest in large windows or you might not pull your curtains early in the evening, and so on. While that might make your home feel good, it’s terrible for your privacy as anyone from outside can see in – it could even be a security issue if potential burglars can see inside and spot what you’ve got that they want. 

If you want to maintain your privacy without sacrificing natural light, you could put a frosted film on your windows, or perhaps you could plant bushes and shrubs under the window so people can’t get too close. 

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