10 Reasons Why I’m #RockingMotherhood

I’ve finally gotten round to getting my #RockingMotherhood tag up.  Thanks to Nicola at Mummy To Dex for tagging me way way way back, I’m sorry it took so long… parent life is just so busy these days!!  Anyway, the idea behind #RockingMotherhood is to help promote a bit of positivity amongst us mums.

Here are my 10 reasons why I think I’m #RockingMotherhood…

#RockingMotherhood No. 1

We made it to eight months (nearly) and we’re still alive. We still have the same number of limbs and appendages that we had at the start and no-one has been seriously injured or lost at any point. Considering the fact that he’s in to everything including playing with radiator valves and door hinges, this is nothing short of a miracle.

#RockingMotherhood No.2

I’ve raised a super smiley little boy. He’s happy, content and really sociable which has made going into nursery and socialising with him far easier than it could have been. I like to think it’s completely down to our parenting style but I think there’s a little bit of nature chucked in there along the way too.

#RockingMotherhood No.3

I’ve made mum friends.  I wrote about making mum friends before (jokingly) but can thankfully say I’ve reached stage six with quite a few. A couple are friends from pre-baby times, some are family members and a large group of them are from my first foray into baby groups – between them all, I have a pretty awesome support network.

#RockingMotherhood No.4

I’ve made peace with my mum guilt. It’s never going to go away but I’ve been making a conscious effort to not let guilt stand in the way of me  being a great parent. I’m fed up of beating myself up for my parenting decisions and by trying to ignore those feelings, I’ve found motherhood a calmer place to be!

#RockingMotherhood No.5

I’m still breastfeeding at nearly eight months. We had a patchy start and struggled to find our groove about a month or so in but then it seems to have clicked. I never saw myself still feeding at this point, I always aimed for three months, was pleased when I made it to six and now am just amazed we’re still going. It’s been tiring and sometimes taken me to the brink but I love that time with my baby snuggled up against me. I’m so proud of us for that.

#RockingMotherhood No.6

I’m pretty laid back with letting him explore on his own. I think this has made him into the independent little boy he is today. There are times when I want to hold him close and keep him from hurting himself – especially now he’s on the move – but I have to stop myself and allow him the space to learn and grow.

#RockingMotherhood No.7

I’ve gone back to work to ensure that we have enough money to give him a nice home and the same opportunities we had as children. I want him to experience new classes and go to different parts of the world. Without my income, we wouldn’t be able to do those things. I struggled with my decision for a long time but I think it’s the right one for us at this time!

#RockingMotherhood No.8

For months, we practiced co-sleeping and bed-sharing. I never thought that I would be the person who shared a bed with their baby but when it came to it, it was the best thing for both of our sanity. During that time, I routinely slept with half my body off the bed, often lay there semi-awake for hours and never had any quilt coverings. Thankfully, it was summer, but still!!

#RockingMotherhood No.9

I tell my baby every day how smart and loved he is. I read the book, ‘The Help’ many years ago and the idea of the mantra that was repeated by the maid to the little girl nightly stuck with me. I want my baby to know he is loved, he is clever and he is kind. I try to tell him every day about all the people who love him; from his grandparents, to his parents, to his aunts and uncles, and about how smart he is. I don’t want him to ever worry that he isn’t cared for or capable of great things.

#RockingMotherhood No.10

I’m a mum. I don’t need a list to know I’m #RockingMotherhood; my little boy adores me and I’m his number 1 fan. That does it for me!


I’m nominating;

Mandi at Hex Mum Plus 1

Anyone else who fancies a go!



  • Emily and Indiana 12th January 2017 at 12:17 pm

    I love the idea for this post, we’re all totally rocking motherhood in our own ways 🙂 LOVE these photos xx

    • DevonMamaOnline 12th January 2017 at 10:25 pm

      It’s great isn’t it! Just the reminder I needed that I’m actually doing a good job!!

  • Alison P 12th January 2017 at 12:24 pm

    I loved reading this! Thanks. The mantra you use from the Help stuck with me too. I also say to my kids: I don’t own you but I’m looking after you until you’re ready to be a grown up and can take over from me. They love it when I say it! x

    • DevonMamaOnline 12th January 2017 at 10:24 pm

      Ah thanks! I think it’s lovely having sayings, that way they’ll have something to remember of you from their childhood as well!! I saw on TV someone said ‘I made you from scratch!’ that’s another one I like to use!! x

  • Rachel 12th January 2017 at 12:25 pm

    I literally love everything about this post!! I’ve finally found the courage to take my little boy to stay and play at nearly 7 months. I just find it so daunting, but Henry loves other babies so I’m doing it for him!

    • DevonMamaOnline 12th January 2017 at 10:23 pm

      It’s terrifying isn’t it! I think it’s worse when your baby is a little older as they tend to not need you quite so much. I always used to be checking the nappy bag or talking to him as something to do so it didn’t look quite so much like I’m sat there on my own! You should have a go (if you haven’t already!)

  • Katy Stevens 12th January 2017 at 1:34 pm

    I love this post but particularly number 4. I’ve made peace with it too now! So much better isn’t it.

    • DevonMamaOnline 12th January 2017 at 10:21 pm

      Way better, in the beginning it just made me second guess EVERYTHING I did!

  • Lindsey 12th January 2017 at 3:40 pm

    Rock on Mumma, you have done an amazing job, what a cutie you have.


    • DevonMamaOnline 12th January 2017 at 10:20 pm

      Ahh thank you, I totally agree he’s adorable.. but then am marginally biased!

  • Nicola 12th January 2017 at 4:56 pm

    Some amazing reasons as to why you are rocking motherhood. Love number 10 the most.

    Love all your pictures as well ????

    • DevonMamaOnline 12th January 2017 at 10:18 pm

      Ahh thank you!!! I got all emotional going through my photos! Also, there are so few nice pictures of just me and him, they’re all of the two boys… will have to change that!

  • Lyndsey OHalloran 12th January 2017 at 7:27 pm

    I love reading these. Your list is great

    • DevonMamaOnline 12th January 2017 at 10:00 pm

      Thank you! x

  • Kirsty 12th January 2017 at 11:12 pm

    You go girl – you raised one beautiful little man! I love this post, it’s so positive! Xx

    • DevonMamaOnline 13th January 2017 at 11:03 am

      Thanks Kirsty!! Think we all need a bit of a reminder of the positive stuff we achieve as mums. So easy to get caught up in worrying we’re doing it all wrong that we miss the good stuff!

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