Five Home Appliances That Could Cost You More Money

Living a normal life just got a whole lot more expensive. So you might want to save where you can. But, unfortunately, there are home appliances that could cost you more money.

Fridge and Freezer

Some appliances, you can switch off to save on the cost. However, your fridge and freezer are necessary for keeping your food fresh and safe to eat. So turning them off is out of the question. If you have an older model, it could be costing you a lot to run. Older models aren’t as efficient as newer ones and might have you Googling “residential electrician near me” sooner or later. Buying a new fridge might seem like a considerable expense right now. You will save more on your bills. A good tip is to keep an eye out for end of season sales at electronics stores.

TV and Entertainment Systems

One of the biggest sources of wasted energy is non-essential electricals. Things like your TV and sound system are often left on standby mode. And although standby is great for quickly accessing features, it can use almost as much energy as when switched on. Luckily, many electronics manufacturers offer excellent features for reducing energy use. However, they often aren’t switched on by default, so you need to poke around your system menu. Switch on things like auto-standby, so you don’t leave things on. And turn down backlights and displays.

Washing Machines and Dryers Cost You More Money

Over 95% of households own a washing machine. And as essential and convenient as a washing machine is, they use a lot of power. Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to reduce the energy usage of your washing machine and dryer. First, try washing at a lower temperature. You can get detergents that clean just as well as 20 degrees as a hot wash. Also, reduce the wash time to save on power. Finally, don’t use your dryer in the Summer. If it’s dry outside, then put your clothes on the line or rack to dry. This will save a ton of money. 

Air Conditioning Systems

Systems like HVAC are popular in the USA. But countries like the UK rely more on fans and HEPA filters. But you could be using far more energy than you need. So if you have an HVAC system, use it sparingly. And use fans if you have them since they use less energy. However, a fan on a low setting for longer is more efficient than short bursts at a higher setting. Additionally, HEPA filter devices aren’t meant to be left on all day. For example, if you need one for allergies, it is best to switch it on for one hour in the morning and one hour before you go to bed.

An Outdated Boiler

Finally, a major cause of inefficiency in your home that could cost you dearly is your boiler. An outdated boiler wastes water, gas and electricity. And all of these could add up to costly bills. So replace your boiler if it is older than fifteen years. Boilers are expensive, but you can get a new one on credit with reasonable payments. Also, you might be using it wrong. For instance, turning it all the way up in Winter doesn’t heat up a room any quicker. So it’s best to find the right setting for you and keep it there rather than inefficiently using gas.


The cost of living has risen, and your appliances could be costing you more. Replace an old fridge or freezer, wash your clothes at a lower temperature and replace an older boiler.

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