
Five Tips For Getting More Sleep Each Night

According to a recent study from the CDC, one in three Americans do not get enough sleep each night. There are, of course, many different reasons for this – whether they’re dealing with stress or trying to teach their newborn to sleep through the night.

However, while feeling a little tired here and there is normal, a prolonged lack of sleep can lead to a range of both physical and mental health issues, meaning it is something that we must learn to tackle head-on. Furthermore, there are plenty of benefits associated with getting your recommended 6-8 hours each night. This includes:

  • Higher energy levels throughout the day
  • Improved immune response 
  • Improved mood and well-being 
  • Reduced stress and anxiety 
  • Improved focus and productivity levels 

With that in mind, here are five top tips for getting some more shut-eye!

1. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon or evening.

While having a second (or even third) cup of coffee may seem like a great way to overcome daytime fatigue, this could actually be the reason why you aren’t getting enough sleep. After all, the effects of coffee can last up to 10 hours! As such, you should avoid drinking caffeinated beverages in the afternoon or evening. Instead, opt for a decaf drink when you’re feeling the familiar coffee/tea cravings but don’t actually need the caffeine contained within them. 

2. Create a welcoming, cosy bedroom.

Our environment can often contribute to the quality of sleep we achieve. For example, if your room is covered in clutter or it doubles as your workspace, you may begin to subconsciously associate this space with stress and anxiety. As such, you’ll find it harder to unwind each night. Old or tired furniture could also leave you feeling uncomfortable.

Therefore, you should ensure you create a welcoming, cosy bedroom. For example, you may want to invest in new beds and mattresses so that you feel more comfortable and can drift off quickly. While this is often a significant investment on your end, it’s worth the while when you consider just how much your quality of sleep will improve as a result. 

Alternatively, if you work remotely, you may want to move your desk into another room within the house. This way, your bedroom remains your safe place, free from the stress of work! 

3. Exercise during the day.

Completing some kind of exercise regime during the day, whether you’re going for a short walk around the block or attending an exercise class, is also beneficial when it comes to improving your sleeping habits. It provides you with a suitable outlet for pent-up energy, meaning you’ll naturally feel more tired when you get into bed. Furthermore, it can also be a great pick-me-up during the day when you crave energy. 

Of course, getting back into the world of exercise can be tough if you’ve recently had some time away from being active. In this case, start slowly and reintroduce exercise to your routine bit by bit instead of overwhelming yourself by trying to complete an intense workout on day one. This will still bring forth the same results when it comes to your sleep, without leaving you feeling burned out! 

4. Change your diet.

Following a healthy, balanced diet can also help you get your sleep schedule back on track. Furthermore, certain foods can help you sleep, such as those high in melatonin, like fatty fish and kiwi fruit. This is because it can help regulate your circadian rhythm, which signals to your mind (and body) that it’s time to sleep. As such, eating these foods in the evening could help you to get some much-needed sleep! 

5. Avoid screens.

Avoiding any screens, such as your phone, laptop, or TV, for at least an hour before bed can also help ensure you get plenty of sleep. This becomes it removes distractions and also helps you shut off and wind down properly. The longer you use your phone, the harder it will be to achieve this goal, especially if you do not have the blue light filter turned on.

Instead of scrolling through socials in bed, try to find other ways to occupy your mind until you feel tired. For example, you can read a few chapters of a book or listen to an audiobook or guided meditation. All of these activities will work to help you fall asleep much quicker. 

In short, there are many ways in which you can begin to improve your sleeping habits – it’s just something you need to actively work towards instead of waiting for it to happen on your own.

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