Living Arrows: Week Forty

Welcome to October! I can’t believe how quickly the year is flying past, we’re starting to think about Christmas now… yep, I went there! I’ve really noticed lately how quickly our little guy is developing. We added a playroom to the house and he’ll happily play independently in there whilst I do things in the kitchen. Often popping in and out to show me his favourite tractor or to call the dog ‘naughty’! 

He’s started stringing words together more and more, phrases such as ‘Dada gone’, ‘bye bye toys’ and other rather strange combinations which make me wonder what we say to him on a daily basis. This week has also marked a change in him listening and he’ll follow simple instructions such as shutting the door, putting away his toys and, his absolute favourite, putting things in the bin. He’s obsessed with the bin and claps himself wildly once he’s put something in there.

It’s made me realise that our baby is well and truly a toddler now. On our walk this weekend he insisted on walking a good chunk of it, splashing in every puddle that we met. But the biggest sign? He walked in to nursery without clinging to me and ran over to play before I’d even left the room today. No crying, no fussing, just a quick grumble at me taking his shoes off before launching himself at the toys with his friends. As much as I’m sad that he’s growing up quickly, this new side of him is so much fun. I can’t wait to see more!

What is Living Arrows?

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

Living Arrows is the brainchild of Donna at What the Redhead Said. Each week, you capturing your memory of the week in a moment in time and share it with the world. You can follow our journey over the next year by subscribing below or by clicking here!


  • Vicki @ tippytupps 2nd October 2017 at 10:32 am

    Oh my goodness, he’s just so delicious!! I love how independant they’re all becoming though it makes me so sad it’s moving so quickly. I still refuse to call mine a toddler though – he’s still a baby to anyone I speak to!! They get a shock when they actually meet a 14 month old robust boy! #LivingArrows

  • Janine 2nd October 2017 at 3:49 pm

    He is such a cutie. I love this fishermans jacket. When my eldest was that age he had one too. It looks specifically cute when they are that small doesn’t it? #livingarrows

  • nicola 4th October 2017 at 5:35 pm

    He is doing so well with his talking! It is a great thing that he feels that confident and secure that he’s ok with going in to nursery. It means you’re doing a great job Devon Mama!

    So jealous of the playroom!

  • Donna 5th October 2017 at 9:11 pm

    Oh my gosh, he’s really growing up isn’t he? That playroom sounds amazing – it’s so nice that he has his space to play but has you close by x

  • The Frenchie Mummy 7th October 2017 at 1:10 pm

    it is so cute the way your little one is using more words! Love the coat as well, looking super cute! #LivingArrows

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