Living Arrows: Week Twenty Six

It’s been an exciting week for us this week. Everything has been a little upside down with our new move over to my parents. It’s been a week full of adventures (and bruises) as we all learn to navigate living together. Apparently in toddler terms this translates to ‘finding every new hiding place, plug socket and death trap’. But we’ve made it through the first week and we’re all alive. No-one’s killed anyone and the most contentious thing has been sorting the recycling so I think we’ll survive! 

Living Arrows: Week Twenty Six

This weekend has been focused on me for a change. On Saturday, I turned thirty one (sob!) so it’s been a weekend of celebrations. It’s funny that only six weeks ago we were having to help him open his own presents and yet now, he’s ripping in to mine like nobodies business. He even managed to sneak himself his first bit of chocolate whilst I unwrapped – a Hotel Chocolat one, clearly the child has taste! He’s really starting to assert himself more and more these days. His words are coming on leaps and bounds and he’s started making it very clear what he does (and doesn’t) want to do. Unfortunately that also means we’ve had quite a few bumps and knocks as he tends to throw himself off things. I think this photo perfectly sums life up at the moment… he’s got Daddy and Grandma trying to stop him throwing himself off the bench!

What is Living Arrows?

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

Living Arrows is the brainchild of Donna at What the Redhead Said. Each week, you capturing your memory of the week in a moment in time and share it with the world. You can follow our journey over the next year by subscribing below or by clicking here!


  • Maria 26th June 2017 at 7:06 am

    Aw such a great post logan seems to want to throw himself off things too, I swear he has no sense of danger xD


    • DevonMamaOnline 26th June 2017 at 9:46 am

      They don’t at this age do they?!

  • Vicki @ tippytupps 26th June 2017 at 11:00 am

    It’s only when you spend a lot of time at other people’s homes that you realise how un-baby proof they are! He sounds like Henry too who loves to launch at things! #LivingArrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 26th June 2017 at 12:11 pm

      They’re terrors aren’t they?! Now I go into every place mentally preparing myself for the death trap that it’s BOUND to be!

  • Nicola 26th June 2017 at 1:49 pm

    I bet he is loving all of the attention staying with the grandparents. If the most contentious issue continues to be the recycling, I think you should sell up and move back! You could afford to give up work then! xx

    • DevonMamaOnline 26th June 2017 at 3:50 pm

      Ha, you’ve not heard the arguments over which bin is cardboard…

  • Madeline (This Glorious Life) 28th June 2017 at 6:13 pm

    Haha, love all the hands on him trying to keep him still! And he clearly has got good taste if he went for your expensive chocolate, you’ll have to hide it from now on! x #LivingArrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 29th June 2017 at 10:00 pm

      Won’t touch the milky buttons my dad keeps trying to palm off on him but was straight in there for the pricey stuff!!

  • Donna 30th June 2017 at 1:06 pm

    Oh Happy belated Birthday! I hope you’re all settling in ok – toddlers get EVERYWHERE! x

    • DevonMamaOnline 30th June 2017 at 2:15 pm

      Oh my goodness, don’t they just!! Thank you, I feel well and truly spoilt! x

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