Review: Toddlebike2

This review should start with a disclaimer: my child is madly obsessed with anything with wheels. So when we were asked to review a Toddlebike2, I could tell it was going to be a hit. With that in mind, you can probably guess how this review is going to go. Spoiler alert: he loves it!

Toddlebike2 Review

What is Toddlebike2?

Toddlebike2 is a lightweight ‘bike’ designed for toddlers. A pre-cursor to the balance bikes that seem to be everywhere, Toddlebike2 fills the gap after your child’s outgrown their ride-on baby toys. Aimed at toddlers who can walk confidently through to three year olds, the Toddlebike2 is lightweight, sturdy and stands upright on it’s own, meaning your little one can master ‘riding’ without having to worry about supporting the frame in an upright position. Available in three colours; midnight blue, pinky pink or racing red, it’s a surefire hit for any toddling speed demon in your household!

Yes, but what’s it REALLY like?!

When our Toddlebike2 arrived, I couldn’t believe it was actually in the box. It weighs less than a kilogram which frankly is incredible given how sturdy it feels. For me, it’s important because it means when the inevitable happens and I have to carry it around with us from ours to grandparents, it’s feather light. For my son, it means he can drag it around the house easily and occasionally position it on top of the dog. Which we all enjoy. Especially the dog.

The bike is designed like a ‘normal’ bike but with toddler friendly features; easy reach handlebars, a double wheel front and back for stability and a centralised seating position to prevent them having to lean forward. There’s also a nice high crossbar, something which sounds pointless but in reality allows my son to sit slightly further forward than the saddle at the moment. He’s still toward the smaller end of being able to use the bike and his arms just aren’t quite long enough, so for us, this is a great touch!

Does he use it?

In the seventeen months that we’ve been part of the parent club, I can honestly say, this is one of the toys that he loves the most. It took him a couple of attempts to learn how to use it; the higher crossbar making it a little tricky for him to get his leg over and get into position. However, he quickly mastered that and was off. We’ve got a mixture of wooden flooring and carpet and whilst it works well on both, it’s definitely best on wood – he flies along!

Often I’ll find it strewn in various places around the downstairs of the house as he uses it to transport himself around. It’s easier for him to manoeuvre than our Little Tikes Cosy Coupe and because of this, he spends far less time stuck in corners or bashing in to my freshly painted woodwork. Something we’re both pleased about!

Would I buy it?

Toddlebike2 is currently £23.95 when you purchase directly from their website. I think it’s great value at this price, especially given that it’s designed for one to three years of age. I love that it’s designed with him in mind but still looks sleek and interesting, to the point that I don’t mind having it on display in the house. It’s already provided us with hours of entertainment, leaving me to enjoy a little bit of well earned peace, even if the dog probably wouldn’t agree!

Toddlebike2 is available from Amazon and retails at £23.95.


  • Amy Fox 1st November 2017 at 12:14 pm

    The Toddlebike is amazing isn’t it? Alfie LOVES his. He’d take it everywhere if he could! x

    • DevonMamaOnline 3rd November 2017 at 9:07 am

      It’s SO good!!! I think we may have to buy another to leave at my mum’s as he insists on taking it there with him as well!

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