Safe Haven: Creating a Sanctuary For Your Child 

A child’s bedroom is so much more than just a place to sleep – it’s their little home within a home. No matter how big or small it is, it can be a place for them to relax, read, play, imagine, dream, create, develop their passions and form a sense of identity. Creating a space for kids to do all this doesn’t need to cost the earth, and there are plenty of affordable elements you can incorporate that will make a big difference. You may also want to invest in a few high-quality pieces such as beds, fleece blankets, and wardrobes to ensure they are safe and stable; since these pieces will last longer, you can use them for many years to come, or even sell them down the line if you need to.

Here are some more tips for crafting a sanctuary that your child will love spending time in. 

Reflect their personality

When your child is really young you’ll obviously take the lead on their room design, but as they get older they are sure to be drawn to certain colours and have interests they want to see reflected around them. Letting them make some choices about their room design can boost their self-esteem and give them an early taste of decision-making. 

Why not find a range of bedroom examples online to show them and discuss different elements you could draw from them? Taking some time over the process and including them along the way will give them a greater sense of accomplishment and appreciation when the room is finished. 

One thing to bear in mind is that children’s’ likes and dislikes can be fleeting, so while you might be tempted to go all-out with a certain theme – buying all Frozen-themed furniture, wallpaper and curtains, for example – things like bedsheets, wall hangings, ottomans and rugs can be more easily swapped out. The same can be said for wall paint; remember that lighter colours will be easier to paint over in a few years if your little one suddenly decides they hate green now. You could also try stick-on wallpaper for an easy, transformative effect. 

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Find the perfect bed

“Children will experience the majority of their growth and development whilst they sleep, making a consistent good night’s sleep vital,” says Little Lucy Willow, “Having a bed that they are comfortable and secure in with impact massively on the quality of their sleep and ultimately, their happiness.”

As well as comfy, a bed is likely to be the centrepiece of the room, so the style should reflect the atmosphere you want. A bunk bed is a great option, whether you want extra storage and activity space, to provide a fun climbing frame, or need to fit in another child. Some singles also have under-bed storage (truly one of the most useful features ever!), while other stylish options will really help your child feel more grown-up. 

Consider comfort

You can never have enough pillows (well, almost never…) A range of pillows in different colours, textures and sizes will instantly brighten up a room that feels dull or incomplete, and will let your child be more comfy when they chill out on their bed, sit and read, or have friends or siblings sit around on their floor. Snuggly blankets also provide warmth and comfort, both literally and to the vibe of the room. 

Create nooks for alone time

Even if your child shares a bedroom, it’s important for them to have a space where they can get some privacy. Could you attach a light curtain to the top of a bunk bed so that the underneath can be shut off from the rest of the room? Can you move the bed away from the corner of the room slightly to create a little pillow-filled nook where kids can sit and read? Indoor tents can be bought for a range of prices and in many colours and styles, and can be used for play time as well as alone time. 

Provide storage

When you see a picture-perfect kids’ bedroom on Instagram it can look as though it is always perfectly tidy and clutter-free. Of course, that’s not the reality in most households. You will create more floor space to play in and be able to teach your little ones about tidying up if everything has a designated space, even if that’s just being shoved into a toy box. In fact, a storage box can serve multiple purposes – decorate it to provide extra room theming, stick a pillow on top to create a seat, or put a pillow on the ground next to it to make a table. Other storage features could include pegs for hanging up jackets (make sure the kids can reach them!), bookshelves and wicker baskets for toys. 

Don’t forget lighting

Lighting is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to give a room some atmosphere. Try a new lampshade that refracts light in an interesting way, and add different lighting sources around the room, perhaps in different colours. A dimmer light or tinted bedside light will help set an evening mood and could help little ones get off to sleep. 

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