Seven Things You Need For Your Next Road Trip

There are so many different ways that you can see Europe but one of the best ways is by road. There are tons of beautiful countries to see along the way, and with careful planning, you can see them all. You get the chance to enjoy an up-close and personal experience that you wouldn’t get at home, and the opportunity to make memories is high! Exploring Europe, including Germany, France, and Austria, is a bucket list experience for most people. They aim to tick off as many countries in Europe as possible, but it’s essential to be as ready as possible before you embark on your journey. There are plenty of websites out there that can help you to choose the right route to take on your European adventure, and a road trip is the most authentic way to take that adventure on!

Traveling on the road gives you a chance to stop where you want when you want. It allows you to experience the culture in a way that you cannot do when you fly into specific cities. You can better appreciate the curry sausages and pretzels that are authentically German, and enjoy some of the best beer halls around. You can’t go off the beaten track like that when you are on a plane. When you’re on the road, there’s plenty to see and do (just make sure that you have your environmental sticker on display when you drive! You can get it from It would help if you were fully prepared for everything when you head off on your European journey, from the beer halls to the Bratwurst, The Eiffel Tower to the Reine. So, you’ve got you have your friends, you have your route, and you’re ready to hit the road. Now, what?

Here are seven things that you need to consider for your next road trip adventures!

Spare Tires

Ideally, someone in your group needs to be adept at changing a tire or two. This would be the best reason to save some cash, but your road trip will not be complete without a spare tire in the trunk. You need a spare – accidents happen, and you can’t plan for them to happen, but you can plan how you are going to handle it when it does! Make sure that you or one of your party know how to change out a busted tire: just in case it happens when you can’t get help. It’s important you have a car you can rely on to get you around, after all, you don’t want to get stuck somewhere. If you’re looking for a reliable car, why not check out Sandown Mercedes?

Extra Chargers

We use phones, tablets, laptops, and Sat Nav every single day now. We don’t buy map books; we use GPS. It’s not just a luxury to have these things in the car or the house; they’re a necessity. You may need to have extra chargers for everything in the car, so make space for it all. While you’re at it, consider how many power banks you may need that you should charge before you go. Power banks can even give you back up if you don’t have an outlet for all the chargers!

Beauty and eye care products

Red eyes, oily skin, and greasy hair paint an accurate picture of most travellers when they step off the plane for their vacation. When returning home, they have sunburns and blisters. But you don’t have to leave scars to remind you of your travels. By arming yourself with the right travel beauty and eye products (foundation, concealers, setting powder, mascara, sunglasses, eye shadow etc.), you will be able to maintain a fresh and bright appearance regardless of where your travels take you.    

First Aid

A first aid box is a necessity when you are on the road. You’re away from a lot of things for a significant period, and if you cannot get to a pharmacy in any of the towns that you plan to drive by, you need to have a back-up. This can include hand sanitizer, bandages and plasters, TCP, paracetamol, and a myriad of other necessities, including scissors and tweezers! Oh, and don’t forget condoms and tampons (depending on who needs them!)

Snack Box

You’re going on the road, but you’re not going to outer Mongolia. So, while you don’t need to start worrying about bringing a sheep carcass to roast over a fire, you do need to consider a snack box. You will get hungry in the long stretches of road between towns, and you need to have a stock of protein snacks and bottles of water. You want to stay alert, hydrated, and ready if you have a while between big meals in restaurants. Don’t forget the candies, either. It can’t all be healthy!

Navigation Tools

GPS, Sat Nav, route mapping software, Google maps and even a physical map. These tools are essential in any vehicle. You don’t know if you’re going to from point a to point b without a hitch. It’s best to be ready in case you find yourself driving through unfamiliar territory.

Spare Lenses/Glasses/Hearing Aid Batteries

It’s so common to forget your stock of lenses or your spare hearing aid batteries (should you need either). It can really ruin your trip if you can’t get what you need. So, order spares and pack in advance!

Preparation is key to a road trip and once you have everything packed correctly, you can relax and enjoy!

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