The Soundtrack To My Life

The Soundtrack Of My Life

I’m not a big music buff. I fill my phone memory with photos not music. Even my iPod only has a couple of songs on it, mostly from six years or so ago when I’d use the same playlist on repeat to go running – the fact that hasn’t changed over all that time speaks volumes for my music tastes as well as my fitness levels! Since meeting my husband, he’s done his best to change my mind; festivals, concerts, even music quizzes, bless him, he’s tried. He’s even attempted to lure me into loving music by going down the aesthetic route and suggesting a retro record player (like these from HMV) and I’ll admit it, I’m pretty tempted. For me, music is for singing along to; badly and often out of tune. I make up words, dance like I’m having a fit and sing loudly. Thankfully, it seems to entertain the baby.

The Soundtrack of MY Life

With that in mind, the irony of being tagged in a music post was not lost on me. My good friend, Nicola from I am Crabstix, came up with and nominated me in a ‘Soundtrack Of My Life’ tag and who am I to refuse?! It’s a chance for me to share seven songs which have meant something to me so far in life. Prepare your ears and get ready for a cringe because here we go…

1. Red Hot Chili Peppers – By The Way

The first few bars of this take me back to the summer after my GCSEs. It was the first time I’d been away without my parents; a week camping at the beach with just about every sixteen year old known to man. In amongst partying away the nights and lazing around during the days, this track was everywhere. I remember being stood outside a tent at 4am and hearing this song drift across a campsite moments before dawn. For me, it’s a memory of a perfect summer, right on the cusp of growing up and a favourite on an album that stayed in my car for many years to come.


2. Eminem – The Real Slim Shady

It’s a little known fact that I was a huge Eminem fan when younger; I think in my head I’m still convinced I can rap like a pro. Step aside *insert name of topical rapper that I should know*. I’d listen to Eminem, ‘rap’ along with it and use it as some form of release. The worst thing is, I can still remember far too many of the lyrics! The Real Slim Shady was one of my favourites and reminds me of listening to this album on repeat in my bedroom, my lucky family!

3. Miley Cyrus – Party In The USA

I told you this list was bad, so I make no apologies for adding the cheesiest of cheesy songs. Miley is one of my guilty pleasures, especially back in her innocent phase! This song is one that me, my brother and sister all sing along to… ironically, obviously. It makes me feel happy just thinking about it. If I’m having a bad day, I’ve been known to text a couple lines off to my sister and can guarantee that I’ll have that ear-worm for the rest of the day. It doesn’t fail to put a grin on my face, even now!


4. Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina – Stereo Lover

Not long after Dave  and I got together, we went to visit his father in Dubai. This song was everywhere when we were out there and it quickly became our unofficial holiday anthem even though we had no idea what it was called. The next year, on another holiday, it was everywhere again and we finally managed to track down a name. This song brings back memories of the early parts of our relationship; that carefree feeling of holidays with the person you’re falling in love with. My favourite thing to do is to pop this one on in the kitchen when it’s a miserable grey day, straight away I’m transported to my happy place.

5. Tom Odell – Grow Old With Me

Our nearly wedding song, Tom Odell’s ‘Grow Old With Me’ would be the second song that sums up our relationship. I grew up in a house listening to my Dad play the piano late into the night and it’s instilled a love of piano in me, that, combined with the lyrics just make this song an instant favourite.

I can feel you breathing, with your hair on my skin
As we lie here within the night
I’ll pull the sheets when it’s cold on your feet
Cause you’ll fall back to sleep every time
Grow old with me. Let us share what we see
And oh the best it could be. Just you and I

At the last minute we decided we couldn’t possibly make it through the line ‘make me come’ at our wedding in front of our grandparents. It just wasn’t happening, so we went for Nat King Cole’s L-O-V-E instead. But this song, to me, is still our first dance.


6. Ludovico Einaudi – I Giorni

This track is beautiful. I don’t have the words to do it justice. A far more classical entry than ANY of my others, this album is our go to chill-out music. It’s the soundtrack to our wedding video and a song that I listened to a lot whilst pregnant. I struggled to sleep so I’d often go and just lay on the bed listening to this in attempt to ‘get some rest’ as my mother would say – now I look back and think how indulgent that was! We actually took the cd with us to the hospital to play during labour but that went FAR too quickly and instead it stayed in the car to accompany us on the way home. Recently we went to see him perform live and I can honestly say it was mind-blowing, this man is a great introduction to modern classical music.


7. Baby Sensory – Say Hello To The Sun

I love this song. And hate it. In equal measure. It’s the single-most annoying song I’ve heard since becoming a parent (closely followed by Wind The Bobbin Up) and yet it was the only thing that would calm my little boy in the car for months. No word of a lie, we once played it on repeat for 45 minutes, over and over and over and over… It still holds the ability to get a smile out of him now, even though I’m still no better at remembering all the words. My favourite bit? The flowers that gladden me. Because it’s very important for small babies to know the term (and baby sign for) ‘gladden’!!

And there we have it, the soundtrack of my life! For someone who was convinced they’d never find seven songs, I struggled to narrow it down. We didn’t even get to touch on my worrying addiction to 90’s R&B. Probably a good thing.

I loved going through old songs and the memories they bring with them, I think you can tell a lot about people from their taste in music. What seven songs are your favourites?

I nominate…

Sarah at Boo, Roo and Tigger Too

Em at Em Linthorpe

Sarah at The Parenting Trials

Laura at Five Little Doves

Sophie at Mama Mei

Nadia at ScandiMummy

Don’t forget to tag in the lovely Nicola at I Am Crabstix and pass the love along!

1 Comment

  • Carol Cassara (@ccassara) 3rd April 2018 at 7:46 pm

    It would take me days to find my 7 songs! You did a good job.

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