Thinking Outside the Box: Fixing Up Your Exterior (Whether You Are Selling or Not)

When you are looking at renovating your home, there are so many different aspects that you need to consider. Whether you just moved into a new property or you are looking to make upgrades to make it more profitable when you sell it on, the exterior is everything. It’s the age-old concept of “kerb appeal.” If someone is looking at your home from the outside, they will have made a big decision whether they want to have a look inside or not. First impressions count for everything. So let’s give you some suggestions to make it worth everyone’s while.

Sprucing Up the Driveway and Walkway

If the walkway up to the house is just some concrete slabs or looks run down, you can very easily make a new one. You can use flagstones to spruce it up. If you have a driveway, installing driveway edging can add that almost countryfied feel. If you are looking for reasons why you should install driveway edging, especially when you live in a residential area, you’d be surprised how many reasons there are.

Add More Lighting

Porch lights add class to many homes. But if you’ve got something that looks particularly rundown, you can very easily pick a modern fixture for cheap to give your entrance to little bit more aesthetic appeal. If you don’t like the more modern designs you can go to a vintage supplier to pick up something a bit more rustic and has a bit more detail to it, especially if you have a brick-walled home.

Put Out the Planters

Greenery makes anybody’s home look more inviting. Put out some big planters or shrubs and evergreen bushes like juniper, and your home will fizzle with more colour. If the front of your home looks particularly barren, adding swathes of colour, especially if you cannot afford to paint the exterior of the property, will be a cheap alternative.

Paint the Front Door

If you can’t paint the entire exterior, go for the front door. If you are trying to sell your home, you need to draw people to that front door so they can take a deep breath and see what is beyond. Take the opportunity to pick a colour that is interesting and bold to attract attention. You may think you need to go for something modest but you can push the boat out if the rest of your home is a little on the plain side. Contrast is a fantastic way for your home to leap out, and even if you are not selling up it makes the home more interesting for you. A little bit of quirk goes a long way.

Picket Fences

Many people think of picket fences as a remnant of yesteryear. But it’s still something that communicates simplicity, in a nice way. A white picket fence will appeal to those buyers with families. After all, we all want to protect our children and give them a homely environment. And this can attract maximum attention.

The exterior is everything. And you can spend a lot of time doing up the inside of your home if you feel the outside isn’t fulfilling his potential now you’ve got a few ideas to get you going.

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