Living Arrows 2019: Week Five

Is there anything worth writing about other than the snow? Living on the South coast of Devon, we rarely get snow here so when we do, it’s something to make a fuss of! Whilst it was nowhere near as bad as last year’s snow adventures, there was enough for some fun… we caught snow on our tongues as it fell, made a snowman and the baby got to experience the white stuff for the first time ever. Since then we’ve been dragging it in each day to play with on the tuff tray whilst watching the slow, melty demise of ‘Frosty’ on the patio! But that’s not all we’ve been up to this week…


Back at nursery and back amongst his friends, I’m always a little worried about that transition again when he’s had a few weeks off but I needn’t have. He was in and dancing away in seconds! I swear this boy changes by the second, this week we started looking at schools for him which is an absolutely terrifying prospect. I feel like I blinked when he was born and here we are, thinking about pre-schools and schools. We’re a little way from it yet but these things sneak up on you, this time next year we’ll have put in for our school place… eek!

He’s loved the snow. Or the idea of it. He was first out the door when it was falling and couldn’t wait to get his diggers out to play in it, the boys built a huge snowman although I’m pretty sure it was driven by Dave rather than the toddler! Once back in, he had his first hot water bottle which, despite it being only mildly warm, he absolutely loved and has since insisted on taking everywhere since; the dog walk, the trip to the park… what it is to get to walk, decide you’re tired and retreat to a blanket and hot water bottle in the pushchair eh?


She’s on the move! For the last few weeks she’s been so close so it was only a matter of time before I had to write this. I’m pretty certain she was moving stealthily for a couple of days before we caught her at it as I’d often leave the room only to return to her in a different corner! Anyway, this week she removed all doubt and crawled slowly across the room before having a little lie down with her face in the bottom of the curtain… clearly crawling is tough work!

This week has seen some wonderful changes for her. In the middle of last week I took her to the baby clinic to get her weighed and measured. I’d been meaning to go for weeks but was ridiculously surprised to find the last time was 25 weeks ago. Where does the time go?! Anyway, the outcome was that she’s dropped centiles quite considerably, combined with going backward with weaning and dodgy nappies meant an unhappy health visitor and as such we were packed off to the GP for a check. After seeing them, they’re unconcerned but want us to get her weighed weekly in order to keep an eye on things for the next month. Despite knowing that they did nothing beyond giving her the once over, it was almost magical that that evening she ate a small amount, had a normal colour nappy and slept her best night in months. Long may it continue!

This post is linking up with the Living Arrows series over at What The RedHead Said. If you’d like to see more of our weekly updates, you can find them here! 


  • myeverythingbeautiful 5th February 2019 at 2:21 pm

    Your pictures are lovely, and that’s a huge snowman!

    • DevonMamaOnline 5th February 2019 at 7:05 pm

      It’s huge! There’s a very small sad lump of it left on the grass still!

  • Tanita 5th February 2019 at 2:39 pm

    Aw the snow was lovely but we had hardly any where we are. I really hope we get some more! A hot water bottle and blanket in a pushchair what a lovely cosy idea no wonder he wants to take it everywhere I would too! xx

    • DevonMamaOnline 5th February 2019 at 7:05 pm

      Doesn’t it just? I was VERY jealous of his set up…

  • tobygoesbananas 5th February 2019 at 10:07 pm

    It sounds like a positive week on the whole 🙂 I love the baby’s face in that first picture! #LivingArrows

    • DevonMamaOnline 6th February 2019 at 10:28 am

      It was! I love a bit of snow and wonderfully it was here for long enough to play with but not long enough to disrupt everything! She was loving it… right up until the moment she fell over backward!

  • Helen - from Mummy to Mum 5th February 2019 at 10:14 pm

    Loving the snow pictures!! They are beautiful. We had issues with weight too – Imogen has finally settled on a line and everyone is happy – the weekly weighing was a stress though!

    • DevonMamaOnline 6th February 2019 at 10:27 am

      I’m pretty sure she’s fine, it’s just such a faff having to take them! That sounds awful doesn’t it?! I feel like you know my pain though! Glad Imogen is settled now xx

  • Donna 10th February 2019 at 9:31 pm

    Oh your photos are so beautiful and your littlest has the most inquisitive face! Love the snow pics x

    • DevonMamaOnline 19th February 2019 at 3:50 pm

      Doesn’t she just? She’s always busy taking everything in!

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