Living Arrows 2019: Week Twenty Three

As predicted last week, I’ve been an emotional wreck this week because… my baby turned one! Where did that time go, eh? Since having kids I’ve become a sucker for apps like Timehop and this week I completely relived those final few preggo days and her birth. Blimey, you forget how tiny they were don’t you? Anyway, aside from the sob-fest on her birthday eve, it’s been a chilled out week. We’ve celebrated quietly as a family and followed it up with a slow weekend at home. Here’s what’s been going on this week…


This kid is just brilliant right now. He’s cheeky and funny and oh such good company. I can see him growing up before my eyes and yet he’s still so small at times. This week he’s been climbing in to our bed in the middle of the night and we don’t know why. He just wants to be close to us and as much as the kicking and wriggling around sends me slowly (sleep deprived-ly) insane, I love waking up with his face pressed in to mine. Or rather his favourite position which is… to tuck his feet into the back of my pants! What can I say, I must make a comfy footrest!

Despite a slow weekend, he’s had a great time. We went for a scoot along the seafront – which resulted in him scooting for around 2 minutes and us carrying the scooter the rest of the time – followed by his cousin’s 5th birthday party. Jeez, if I thought three year olds could be intense, I am dreading five; they made my little whirlwind look like a breeze! In amongst that we’ve fitted in some family walks and lots of playing games together. I always think these are my favourite types of days; the lazy ones spent together doing not much at all.


A whole year since her arrival, blimey! I’d love to say she had a great birthday but I’m not entirely sure; she got to open one gift before they were opened for her and half of them were then decreed ‘too small’ for her… guess who decided to look after them for her instead?! That aside, she seems to have loved the last week. Her walking is flying along now and she’s getting more and more confidence, even in her shoes. We went out for the day for her birthday and she toddled her way around things; wait, does this mean she’s now a toddler?! Either way the sight of them walking alongside each other is just too much for my heartstrings. It’s so cute!

In other news, she’s cracking out another tooth. One near the back this time, which is odd as it’s definitely not the right order. She’s gone backward in terms of sleeping through so I’m clinging to the hope that this is the reason. Luckily, she doesn’t seem too fussed at all by it aside from the numerous wake ups and the rivers of drool so I can’t complain. What else? Oh, being one seems to have made her even more daring. She’ll do something she knows she shouldn’t, look at us and cackle. She’s so hard to be mad at – her laugh is pure magic!

This post is linking up with the Living Arrows series over at What The RedHead Said. If you’d like to see more of our weekly updates, you can find them here! 

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  • Jennifer Parkin 11th June 2019 at 12:11 pm

    My little boy also like to put his feet down the back of my pyjamas ! Glad its not just me!

  • Donna 14th June 2019 at 12:34 pm

    Wah, I can’t believe she’s one already. That went SO quick! He sounds like such an awesome little guy too and your seafront stroll looks beautiful! x

    • Hayley | Devon Mama 19th June 2019 at 4:05 pm

      I know! I’m firmly in denial about it all. If I refuse to accept it, then they’ll stay 3 and 1 forever, right?

  • tobygoesbananas 16th June 2019 at 11:12 pm

    Aww, Happy Birthday! We often have a little three year old bed invader too – I wouldn’t mind if he didn’t wriggle so much! #LivingArrows

    • Hayley | Devon Mama 19th June 2019 at 4:04 pm

      The wriggling is the worst isn’t it? They look so sweet but they’re bed ninjas!

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