“When I was one, I had just begun”

A. A. Milne


Yesterday you turned one. I can’t believe the time has finally come when I can refer to you in years rather than months, weeks, days or even hours. I cried when you were born, I cried on your birthday and I’ve cried many of the days in between; happy tears tinged with a sadness that you are growing up so quickly. Every day is different. Just when we think we have you figured out, you change; a year of being kept on our toes. A million memories with every heartbeat.

My boy. My baby. My love.

The one who grins so hard he can’t see. The one who runs across the room arms outstretched. The one who snuggles in against me in the early hours of the morning. You greet each day with a stream of chat. You greet each night with a fight to stay awake. You are the madness in between. The passion. The challenge. The fun.

Cheerful. Independent. Brave.

Determined. Inquisitive. Funny.





  • Zoe - Mummy & Liss 16th May 2017 at 9:51 am

    This is a lovely post! Happy birthday little man! They grow up so fast don’t they, enjoy your day together & take lots more pictures ???? Zoe x

    • DevonMamaOnline 18th May 2017 at 12:01 pm

      Way way way too quickly!! Thank you, we had a fab day out exploring and demolishing my dodgy cake skills!

  • Nicola 19th May 2017 at 8:21 am

    Happy birthday lovely boy! Such a clever and happy toddler – such a testament to you and your husband. You have done amazingly well this year H to raise him in the best way possible. You should be so proud of yourself for everything you have achieved! I can’t believe it’s a year since we gave birth, what a year WE as Mums have had. I can totally relate to crying with happiness AND sadness. I’m bawling right now!

    • DevonMamaOnline 19th May 2017 at 9:45 am

      Ahh thanks Nic, now I’m all emotional as well! I know, a year just flies by so quickly. I can’t believe these boys of ours are so grown up already, just looking at their photos makes me terrified that they’ll be adults in a heartbeats time!

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