Pregnancy Calendar - Week One

Pregnancy Calendar: Week One

Use our pregnancy calendar to see what’s happening in your pregnancy each week.

Trying to conceive? Here’s what you can expect from week one of your pregnancy.

Your Baby:

Doesn’t actually exist right now…


Are on your period… so. much. fun.

Can revel in the fact that if this works, it’ll be your last period for a good 10 months plus!

Week One

It’s week one of your pregnancy which means you’re actually not pregnant right now. But if you conceive in a few weeks time then you will be. So you’re pregnant but not at the same time… confused?! I don’t blame you!

Your forty weeks of pregnancy starts on the first day of your last period, which is why it’s always helpful to know when it is as if you conceive this month you’ll be quoting this date for the next few months every time someone asks for your LMP (Last Menstrual Period). It means that right now you’ll be starting your period and probably feeling a bit sorry for yourself about it. If you’re actively trying to conceive, then the best thing you can do right now is to look after yourself. That means eating as healthily as possible, exercising and trying to cut down on things like caffeine. It’s also good to start taking a prenatal vitamin that includes folic acid; an important building block for your baby’s development should things go to plan!

Don’t forget to jot down your period timings; not only will this information come in handy later but tracking your cycles can help to pinpoint when you’re likely to ovulate and as such, when your fertile window is, but more about this later.

Other fun things this week: Focus on the fact that if you do conceive this menstrual cycle then this will be your last period for at least ten months, if not much much longer. Makes it far easier to endure any stomach cramps or period spots!

Fancy sneaking ahead? Here’s week two

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