Baby led weaning eggs

How To Cook Eggs For Baby Led Weaning

Packed full of protein, easy to cook with and simple to serve, learning how to cook eggs for baby led weaning is a rite of passage. Once you’re mastered how to cook egg for a baby the possibilities are pretty endless! Here we cover all aspects of baby led weaning eggs, making sure they’re suitable for babies from those first weaning days up until they’re toddlers and beyond.

What Age Can I Introduce Eggs Into My Baby’s Diet?

You can introduce eggs from the minute your baby starts weaning, however eggs should always be well cooked, not raw or have a runny yolk. Cooked eggs are safe to give to your baby as part of a balanced and nutritious diet whether that’s as part of a larger recipe or on their own.

What Are The Benefits Of Giving My Baby Eggs?

Eggs are packed full of protein, which is required to help cell generation in the body. A protein rich diet allows your child to grow and develop exactly as they should. Eggs also contain choline and Omega-3s which support healthy brain development whilst B12 and folic acid aid our bodies with nerve function. Lutein helps with eye development, giving them the best chance at good vision, and vitamin D ensures their bones develop well. Not bad for one source of food, is it!

Can I Give My Baby Raw Egg?

No, your baby should always be served cooked eggs. This is to ensure that any bacteria are killed off during the cooking process.

How To Cook Eggs For A Baby

You can prepare egg for your baby or child in a number of different ways, either as part of a wider recipe with multiple ingredients or on its own.


Whisk your egg together with a splash of milk to loosen it. Pour into a hot, oiled pan and cook in the style of an omelette. After a couple of minutes, once the egg has firmed, flip and allow the other side to cook. Remove from heat, cool and cut into strips to serve.


Hard boil your egg by placing it in boiling water for 6 minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly and remove shell. Mash in a bowl and serve on pre-loaded spoons. If your child is a little older then allow them to self serve using a bowl and spoon.


There are two main ways to scramble eggs. The first is to beat the egg with some milk, pour into a pan and stir over heat until cooked. The second way is to use a hot frying pan, crack the egg into the pan, allow it to start to set and then stir it quickly. This method is faster, less rich and is dairy free but obviously produces less. Once cooked serve on pre-loaded spoons or allow them to self serve.


Whilst frying food for your small child may not feel like something you want to do, you can fry in a more healthy manner. Use a hot pan and spray a very small amount of oil, just enough to ensure that the pan won’t stick. We prefer spray as it allows you to get great coverage with minimal amounts of oil used. Crack the egg and cook until the white is firm. Flip the egg over to cook for a short amount of time on the reverse side to ensure the yolk is well cooked. Remove from heat, cut into strips and serve.


Boiled eggs are a great snack for children. To hard boil an egg, add it to a pan of boiling water for six minutes minimum. Remove from heat and allow to cool. If you’re out for the day, leave it in it’s shell until you want to eat. You can either serve this sliced for babies and toddlers, or allow your older toddler/child to eat it whole in bites like an apple! Make sure that your child won’t try to put the entire egg in their mouth for safety reasons!

Baby led weaning eggs

Egg Recipes For Baby & Toddler

Eggy Bread (also known as Savoury French Toast)

Banana Pancakes

Egg Fried Rice

Blueberry and Banana Bakes

Cheese and Onion Muffins


Not sure if your baby is ready for weaning? Find out how to know if your baby is ready for weaning now.

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